A-G Organic Chem question (out of state)

This year I am taking organic chemistry at my high school. Its has honors level GPA, but is a college level class since AP Chemistry is a prerequisite and the class is intended to help prepare for college organic chemistry. Because the course is meant to prepare for college o chem, and is a 3rd year lab based chemistry, should I put it in my UC application as “Elective-Lab Sci-Physical Sciences” under “College-Prep Electives” or do I put it in as just a “Chemistry” course under science. Because it’s not called college prep in the course name and its not dual credit or ap, but it was created to be college prep. Also does it satisfy the “g” requirement of a-g?

I would put it under the D (Laboratory Science) if it includes laboratory work. If no lab is included in the course, under G for college prep.

the uc website says that “g” courses can have lab work ( from their a-g info page: “One year (two semesters), in addition to those required in “a-f” above, chosen from the following areas: visual and performing arts (non-introductory-level courses), history, social science, English, advanced mathematics, laboratory science and language other than English (a third year in the language used for the “e” requirement or two years of another language)” ) are you sure that lab work means it can’t be a “g” course? It seems odd for me to put it as Laboratory Science: Chemistry when I already have both Honors and AP Chemistry under that category and subcategory and in all my other courses each subcategory is used only once or twice, certainly not 3 times. idk you may be right im just not sure because it seems like my o chem class fits the description of a “g” college prep course, but because my transcript doesn’t list it as college level or with a reference to college prep anywhere in the name if they’ll take it.

At my son’s HS (California), Physical science (no lab), AP Psych, AP Econ, Journalism, Accounting, AP CS were all considered “g” courses. Organic Chem was not offered but Reg Chem, Honors, Chem and AP Chem were all under “d”. Your application will not be rejected if you place it under “d” or “g”. Do you have a VPA class? This is a deal breaker.

is VPA “visual and preforming arts”? if so, yes I do I have 2 art credits