A-G requirements: Subject G Elective (UC Apps)

I am in a medical assisting program at my school, so from 10th-12th grade, I have taken classes called “Healthcare Core” and “Health/Medical Assisting”. My high school labels these courses in the program as elective and on my transcript, it is under the science category.
Would this be placed into the Academic History section to fulfill the Subject G-Elective category? Or would I not put it in the Academic History section and put it in the Activities section under “Other coursework”?

They are asking for an extra “academic” science course:

Your medical assisting program sounds “vocational”; I would assume you are learning the “trade” and not taking a full year of a science course with academic tests. It would be listed as an activity.

We learned about the cell and anatomy/physiology, which is typically covered in biology classes.

Look up your high school here: https://hs-articulation.ucop.edu/agcourselist
It lists all of the courses that are UC approved and the category under which they are approved. If you scroll all the way down to the end, you will see which courses at your high school qualify for the G-Elective category. If your medical assisting courses are not listed there then you would include them in Activities under other coursework.

By listing it in other coursework, you get the opportunity to explain the course and the program which would be nice.

I’m out of state, so my school wouldn’t be on there. But I think I will place it in the other coursework section so I can elaborate on the class. Thank you!

Was the course over a year’s time? What they want to see is a full year of academic coursework within the same discipline-assume full readings in anatomy and physiology with progression of the subject matter.

(For example, frequent tests covering 40-60 pages of readings, terms, implications for the next science courses. Not information to do vitals, and patient care. Academic, usually including an additional lab component and NOT vocational). Typically, medical assisting is not part of the academic core. The UC’s will use those courses as EC’s. If the course is not listed as Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Anatomy/Physiology on the transcript, it will be an activity.

Also, you were asking about Questbridge funding. As an OOS student applying to UC’s, there is no financial aid for you. Your family cannot afford the UC’s. The majority of funding for resident students in California public schools comes from the State of California. The $65,000 per year would be billed to your family. Where would you get the money? If you apply, you wouldn’t be able to afford the costs. The Federal government only provides limited funds. You need to consider other instate schools if you plan to be a PA. Further money.

Using the link for the CA a-g course list, Medical assisting classes fall under category G elective for in-state HS students. I would put these courses in that category and under the additional comments section elaborate further. These courses do not take the place of the UC science requirements of Chemistry, Biology and/or Physics.

As stated above, if you are OOS you should expect to be full pay at $65K/ year to attend.

Some of the UC’s offer merit in the way of Regents or Chancellor’s scholarships but these are highly competitive. Also UCB and UCLA do have a need component with these scholarships but no guarantee it will make these schools affordable. Run the Net price calculator for all schools of interest.