<p>I am looking for what the title says. If anyone knows a good online study group with kids that acutally talk about AP Biology please tell me about it.</p>
<p>I am looking for what the title says. If anyone knows a good online study group with kids that acutally talk about AP Biology please tell me about it.</p>
<p>yeah im looking for one too!</p>
<p>Looking here as well!</p>
<p>me too! we should make one lol.</p>
<p>Facebook it!</p>
<p>As lame as it sounds my mom doesn’t want me to go on facebook so lets try something else.</p>
<p>I’m interested in forming a study group.</p>
<p>I second LCHStateChamps’s suggestion to form one ourselves. The ones I found on facebook were either inactive, restricted to students at certain schools, or didn’t really talk about AP Bio. =</p>
<p>But since facebook isn’t an option for pink33837 maybe we could add each other on msn or something? I haven’t been able to find other social networking sites that would cater to the needs of an online study group. (google: im doin it rong)</p>
<p>Also, I’m curious to know what the specific purposes of this study group are (I’ve also never been in one lol). Will we clarify concepts that didn’t really click the first time (assuming many of us have already covered most of the material in class/self-studying), cover material that we may have not yet covered in class/self-studying, or–gasp–help each other with homework/projects? Or all of the above? lol. Not that I have a problem with the third option, but I think many of us are aware of the controversy surrounding that topic, and I don’t want us to get into any hot water for exchanging solutions, problem sets, or other material that we probably weren’t supposed to in the first place.</p>
<p>dude this sounds like an awesome idea. pm for me my AIM or fb or somecrap.
maybe we should make an AIM group</p>
<p>It would be helpful for all of the self-studiers and would be great if some people who have already taken and passed the test to give us tips and study routine ideas.</p>
<p>count me in.
aim is
<p>Awesome. So we’re doing this through aim, then?
pm me for my aim</p>
<p>I am doing this for AP micro/macro! AIM study groups.</p>
<p>If interested post your info on the econ thread!</p>
<p>I’m in! PM me for my AIM, but it seems like you guys are on eastern time and I’m on the west coast.</p>
<p>Why dont we form a group on yahoo…</p>
<p>Maybe we could try both? Most users seem to have AIM though.</p>
<p>Are aim groups similar to yahoo groups? I’m not too familiar with aim’s services.</p>
<p>Or, what we could do is split off into two groups since there’s about 8 in total who said they’re interested. And then we could mix up some people maybe twice a week or something? I don’t know how convenient that would or wouldn’t be for people. Input, guys?</p>
<p>yooo. im in for sure! lets make an aim chatroom like they have for the CCislulz one.</p>
<p>lets do like bioislulz or something so its easy to remember.</p>
<p>i’m down to join the study group! aim is
<p>Ok lets make a vote if you want to make a group on yahoo say “yahoo” and if you want to make an aim group say “aim” and we can start from there.</p>
<p>I say “yahoo”</p>
<p>can i join your study group? is it on aim or yahoo?</p>