A Haven for the Deferred Class of 2011

<p><strong>I meant class of 2015, sorry, I'm upset lol.</strong></p>

<p>So, now what?
Thoughts, feelings, anything?</p>

<p>I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty upset. I was really looking forward to the U. And now I'm sad I have to wait longer too. My senior grades are not good (all A's and B's, but two classes dropped from B's to C's, and I've been trying really hard - just not a math/science gal) and I'm positively terrified to turn in my mid-year report. I'm pretty bummed. =/ I have other places to go, I just really hope things work out with the University of Miami.</p>

<p>I am upset because I was also deferred from Fordham University and Binghamton University. I am sick of getting deferred and the whole point I applied early action to was find out earlier. Now I’m stuck waiting…</p>

<p>totally feel your pain. i just want to be able to decide for sure where i am going and now i am unable to do so. screw deferrals lol.</p>

<p>your mid year report isn’t required. the deferral letter says “you should arrange to have additional grades sent to us”… recommended but not required. if you think it’ll hurt you then don’t send them</p>

<p>Or maybe it was SAT-ACT scores that hurt you instead of grades & GPA. . Still time to take the SAT test again. Low test scores won’t hurt you, as everything is superscored, but low grades in your senior year(comparatively speaking) WILL hurt you, so do not send those in. Sound logical?</p>

<p>I’m starting to think that “early action” is a tool used by colleges to skim off the cream of the crop of the application pool and throw **some **scholarship money at them at an early stage so they can try to lock the kid into attending their school and raise their matriculation stats. Face it, a lot of the acceptances listed here so far have an Ivy league stat quality to them, perhaps indicating that they are using Miami as a safety school and looking for scholarship money. Very few listed what other schools they applied to. If they don’t get a substantial sum of scholarship money from Miami, then the parents will say “OK, no real big scholarship money from Miami, so why don’t you go to a more prestigious school, since the cost is about the same.” Which it is.</p>

<p>And opens the door wider than you think for the deferred pool to get in.</p>

<p>Stats to chew on (while we wait until April) from Miami’s “common data set” from last year’s 2010 freshman class…</p>

<p>26,000 freshman applications
10,000 were admitted
2,100 enrolled
241 were admitted early decision
425 got merit/grant scholarship money-out of the 2100 who enrolled
900 got need-based financial aid-out of the 2100 who enrolled
58 athletic scholarships
$24,000 average merit/grant scholarship
$29,000 average athletic scholarship</p>

<p>[Common</a> Data Set | University of Miami](<a href=“http://www.miami.edu/index.php/pira/pira_content/69101/]Common”>http://www.miami.edu/index.php/pira/pira_content/69101/)</p>

<p>see pages 6 & 21,22. Page 9 is interesting too.</p>

<p>^^I believe 425 is the number of freshmen “who had no financial need” receiving scholarships/grants, not of the entire enrolled class. Only about half the students had financial need.</p>

<p>H2A Number of Enrolled Students Awarded Non-need-based Scholarships and Grants:

  • n) Number of students in line a who had no financial need and who were awarded institutional non-need-based scholarship or grant aid (exclude those who were awarded athletic awards and tuition benefits)

<p>do we know how many deferred students are accepted approximately? will it help that i need no financial aid/scholarships…im trying my hardest to get in here!</p>