<p>So. Hi, I am a senior in high school from NC. I applied to wake, duke, UNC-CH, and UMichigan. This was before my mom lost her job to alcohol. Hurray.
I am concerned that this late in the game, I will not be able to financially support myself at any of the schools that I applied to. I did not need FA, so I did not indicate it in any of my applications. I certainly do now.</p>
<p>Are there any places that I could apply this late in the game with the following criteria : a fair premed track and a decent music school, plus maybe a less expensive place? I have no clue. I hate my life.</p>
<p>Anyways. I really do want to go out of state, but clearly that's not happening either. My stats are:
31 ACT C (33/31/34/27, 11 W).
3.9 UW GPA, 5.0 W. 9/458. Uhms. I have decent ec's and what not.</p>
<p>Sorry to hear about your situation. But, don’t despair! Since your finances have changed, I think you will need to get the FAFSA done soon. Also, set up a meeting with your guidance counselor. He/she should be able to offer you more specific details on what should be done in your situation.</p>
<p>If you don’t have the option of working with your GC, I’d suggest you call the FA office at each of the schools to which you applied. Let them know that your mom lost her job (not sure they would need to know why.) Hopefully, they will be able to cobble together a financial aid package that will work for you. </p>
<p>I wish you luck :)</p>
<p>My situation is more complicated … see, my family is divorced. My dad makes 92,000 alone. My mom and step dad probably make a total of 30000, which supports a family of 6, one of which is already in college … I applied to FAFSA earlier today, but I highly doubt we’ll receive much aid from that. Like I said, my situation is, unfortunately, unique.</p>
<p>You’re right…the situation isn’t great. </p>
<p>Some of those schools may require NCP info if FA is needed.</p>
<p>??? How much did your mom make before she lost her job? Are you saying that now that your mom has lost her job, the family now earns $30k?</p>
<p>And schools like UMich (OOS) aren’t going to give much aid (and I think it requires CSS as well). </p>
<p>FAFSA doesn’t “give” aid. It just determines your EFC based on LAST YEAR’s income. What was that?</p>
<p>Does UNC require CSS?</p>
<p>Who was going to pay for college before mom lost her job? Unless she used to make a whole lot of money, I don’t see why you didn’t apply for aid from the beginning.</p>
<p>Anyway…right now, I think UA Birmingham would be your best bet. Still awarding full tuition to OOS students with your stats. Very good for pre-med students (the med school there is highly ranked.)</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m saying that my family now makes 30K (maybe). We made 80K before.
I know that UMich doesn’t give much aid, unfortunately and I doubt I am worth any aid anyways. CSS? Righto. I’ll look into it. Problem is, I’m not technically supposed to know that my mom lost her job either (haha). It involved the police.
Last year’s income was 80K. Hence why I do not expect to get much, if any …
I have no idea what requires CSS. ;w; I did not anticipate this, of course, and previously with my dad and mom’s income (both willing to support me in college), I figured that we could handle it.</p>
<p>To tell you the truth, I’m not sure that even if your mom hadn’t lost her job that she and your dad could come up with the costs for UMich ($50k) or Duke ($60k). That would mean each side would be paying $25k+ per year? Not likely with each family’s income and the size of your immediate family.</p>
<p>Anyway…doesn’t look like your current schools are going to work out. So, quickly apply to UAB (easy app, no essays, no LORs)…send transcripts and scores.</p>
<p>At this point, you need to assume that you may have to rely on merit aid to get you thru school.</p>
<p>If your mom lost her job (and there was some kind of police involvement) that does not bode well and may involve some legal bills/issues. </p>
<p>Let us know what your FAFSA EFC ends up being.</p>
<p>Alright. Lovely, thanks for your help. I’ll confer with someone before making any moves. Anyone else want to chip in?</p>
<p>sparrow, m2ck gave you good advice… and re uab…you would qualify for 15K per year with your current stats…total oos costs (tuition{15 credits per semester}, food and dorm) run 20-25K…so you would be left with 5K -10K out of pocket. Too late to apply for honors colleges, but most majors have an honors track, and i think some of the honors programs accept some students after freshman year. </p>
<p>total cost for oos is 20-25K (tuition, dorm and food)(easy to keep food cost down as dorms are suite with mini kitchen or full apt with fridge/stove etc)
Fall 2011 First-Year Freshmen Estimated
First-Year Freshman Out-of-State
Tuition and Fees* $14,256
Books and Supplies** $1000
Meal Plan $450 - $3,894
Total $15,706 - $19,150
Residence Hall (Blazer/Camp Hall)*** $5,200
Grand Total $20,906 - $24,350</p>
<p>The last scores that we will consider for scholarship purposes are the December ACT and SAT test scores from your senior year in high school.
Blazer Elite Scholarship
Based on academic achievement (28-36 ACT and at least 3.0 GPA)
Blazer Gold Scholarship
Based on academic achievement (26-27 ACT and at least 3.0 GPA)
Blazer Pride Scholarship
Based on academic achievement (24-25 ACT and at least 3.0 GPA)
Students receiving UAB merit-based scholarships are required to live on campus for their first year of enrollment. </p>
<p>tier 1 research university, urban campus , 11k undergrads. 17:1 student faculaty ratio. </p>
<p>generous with ap credit. very strong for sciences… afraid i dont know anything about their music programs but here is a link:
[Department</a> of Music > Undergraduate Catalog | The University of Alabama at Birmingham](<a href=“http://catalog.uab.edu/undergraduate/collegeofartsciences/music/]Department”>Department of Music < Catalog | The University of Alabama at Birmingham)</p>
<p>We are in NC and found UNC-A to be an absolute hidden treasure. A friend on mine’s daughter went there and got into 3 medical schools on graduation… carolina duke and wake. It was a little easy for her, but she got all A’s and worked as an RA and came out with no debt, and knowing every teacher. It is an absolute bargain and a great school, and I bet if you call them and talk you could get in. The other one getting a lot of buzz on NPR is high point university.</p>
<p>^ No, at the moment I would prefer not to go to a North Carolina school. In all preference and in all respect to my family, for my well being, I need to be OOS. I mean, obviously if push comes to shove, I’ll go to an NC school. But, eh. m2ck, things have already been dealt with legally. No worries there.</p>
<p>And parent56, my ACT score is unforunately from the February testing date. It was taken because my composite score for UMich was low. My SAT superscore is 2040, with a composite of only 1880.
<p>For the reference, it was expected that my dad would support my college journey more than my mom’s side, for obvious reasons. If I were to attend UMich, I have a source for at least $5K more. But, alas, I figured it would be hard in any case. </p>
<p>Any other ideas? Thank you guys for your help! I’m obviously a little clue-less. And more than a little upset.</p>
<p>when was your sat taken…what was the total for math and reading? they will take either ACT or SAT, here is chart to compare, and see what it would be
[The</a> ACT | ACT-SAT Concordance | ACT](<a href=“http://www.act.org/aap/concordance/index.html]The”>http://www.act.org/aap/concordance/index.html)</p>
<p>All of them were taken on December or before. My highest M+CR from one sitting converts to a 28 ACT, and my superscored M+CR is converted to a 30. So that’d still be the blazer elite scholarship, I suppose?</p>
<p>And I don’t know if this makes a difference, but I just considered it. I do have ~50K in a fund stored away for college.
<p>As you can tell and I re-iterate … I have no idea what I’m doing.</p>
<p>i dont know if uab superscores…but the 28 will give you the blazer elite… if you have questions here is the person to talk to. i emailed her last week and she says oos scholarships are currently available, (until they run out but no later than may 1)… if you want to consider it, i would apply soon… can always turn it down if you find something you can afford and like better.</p>
<p>Heather L. McKnight
Coordinator of Undergraduate Scholarships
The University of Alabama at Birmingham
(205) 934-8132
(205) 934-8941 Fax
<a href=“mailto:hlm@uab.edu”>hlm@uab.edu</a></p>
<p>might want to save some of that 50K towards med school! and get undergrad as cheaply as you can</p>
<p>What is your highest M+Cr from one sitting?</p>
<p>Thanks again for all your help you guys!! I’m going to do all I can … I’m definitely considering UAB.</p>
<p>The SAT was not my cup of tea … my highest M+CR from one sitting is a 1270 :P</p>
<p>a M+CR of 1270 from one sitting in Dec is good enough! Get the app in. And, your GPA is fine.</p>
<p>I always think of money and coming out with no debt. Keep in mind that once you are on a college campus, you are somewhat insulated as if you were states away from everything including your mom, especially if you immerse yourself in the town and a job as well. The advantage to NC schools for you right now is that 50K could go a loooong way in state as well if some of the others did not work out at this late a date, and with some left to cover medical school. Just thoughts about money… I really hope it works out, I hope your mom gets better and I hope you find a life you love sparrow.</p>
<p>If this kid gets free tuition somewhere, then that’s cheaper than paying for instate.</p>
<p>York College of Pennsylvania. My niece is pre-med and she is attending next fall because of the cost of the school, her grant from the school and she will be able to move on to medical school with little to no debt.</p>
<p>Mom2 yes I absolutely agree and hope that works out, but if not, my point is some schools in NC like UNCA are a bargain.
I’m cheering for you sparrow!</p>