A little laughter!

<p>so i know how much stress people get into from college apps and all… thats why im posting something laughable! you know ot relieve the stress and to uphold the meaning of “laughter is the best medicine” and of course, to procrastinate my English homework…lol</p>

<p>so we all have to write essays for UC’s right… The entire idea is write as much as you can for each prompt then start slicing these words, phrases, sentences off. that would lead to a great essay!
i did the very same thing. i wrote and wrote for each essay… then i chopped off some words.
now i have polished my essay for the 5th time (and these including all those alone moments, in my room, thinking of how to change it, etc) </p>

<p>so the word limit as we all know is 1000, and the max. is 1000, no more. if it is more, they wont accept it.
my current word count: 1001. hahah</p>

<p>ok fine its not too funny… but at least the hahaha made you laugh (i hope??)</p>

<p>Hahaha… Oh no… I have to ask. What final word gets chopped???</p>

<p>ha… no idea… maybe just have contraction or something… i had to chop off really really good things from my essay <em>tears tears</em></p>

<p>but i dont know… it feels stronger… hopefully UC admission officers will like it…lol… i was at 1028 (and that would have counted had UC’s not changed their policy)</p>

ill tell you when i get to it though the final word-- dun dun duhhhhhh–</p>

<p>Good luck! I’m sure your essay will turn out great! I remember my son trying to chop it down. It was no fun, that’s for sure. Hang in there. It will over soon!</p>