A Lot of "College Stress" May Not be Due to College

<p>A lot stress on college kids may have more to do with being a young adult than with being in college. In fact college kids may be better at dealing with it.</p>

<p>Campus</a> isn't the most stressful thing - Los Angeles Times</p>


<p>"A troubled, gun-wielding 23-year-old student at Virginia Tech goes on a campus rampage, killing 32 people and eventually himself. An MIT student commits suicide by ingesting cyanide, and another dies in a fire after a drug overdose.</p>

<p>Such highly publicized incidents underscore the sense of personal angst on today's college campuses. But contrary to popular belief, the stress on today's young people has nothing to do with meeting the demands of higher education. </p>

<p>It comes simply with being a newly minted adult."</p>

<p>Speaking as a college student I would say it’s two folded, but mainly it’s being a new adult.</p>

<p>With academics you have to deal with classes, time management, going to so many places for help, and your future. </p>

<p>With being an adult you have to deal with being in a new environment, meeting new people and becoming friends with them, the small small things you have to deal with, dealing with things when they don’t go your way and etc.</p>

<p>Its part of growing up. We all did it, albeit under different pressures and expectations. However, the cases cited are definitely exceptions to the case. Its hard being a new adult, but it’s not easy being an old adult either!</p>

<p>Since they cited well-known MIT examples in their story…</p>

<p>I strongly disagree that at MIT, the stress on students has nothing to to with meeting the demands of the institution. That is not the only factor by any means, but for anyone to claim that it is not a factor at all is just ludicrous.</p>

<p>In the high pressure HS near me, a young man killed himself and according to my D, his friends do attribute alot to college app stress. I ask my D not to make fun of anyone, and when someone says they got into Podunk U, the ONLY correct response is congradulations.</p>

<p>I remember being at freshman orientation, where we were to select our first year courses, and feeling completely overwhelmed. I had no idea what to major in, or how to begin to choose classes. I considered calling my parents, but knew they wouldn’t be able to help me. At that moment, I understand I was an adult and had to make my own way. I did, and was fine. However, this experience can be very overwhelming for some kids. I recall one girl who called home practically every single night, crying. But even she made it through and it a happy, productive adult now. What would have helped me a great deal is a better career counseling center at college. I didn’t want to major in a math or science field and wasn’t sure I wanted to work in business either. The folks at the center were unable to help me explore other options. Their only response was: “Major in whatever you want here, and then go get your MBA.” I wish I could say I made the correct decisions, but I didn’t.</p>

<p>Then again, there are those of us who know exactly what we want to achieve, and realize how bright people can really be when we get to the big schools…and realize what we’re up against, and still want to continue, hence continual pressure.</p>