A&M Engineering Galveston

The Corps of Midshipmen, which is what the Corps at TAMU Galveston is called, has three types of members:

  1. Maritime Academy students (they are all required to join the Corps). TAMU-Galveston has License Option students who are learning to operate or otherwise be on ships. These students are pursuing various majors (and not Engineering). (Kinda neat, right?)
  2. NROTC students (those that have a military commitment due to accepting scholarship help), various majors
  3. Non-military-commitment Drill and Ceremonies members, various majors

Because the TAMU main campus doesnā€™t have the Maritime Academy, they wouldnā€™t have the first type of Corps member, but they have the others.

It is too late to apply to the Maritime Academy, which may be the deadline you saw. THIS IS NOT THE CORPS, rather, itā€™s the degree majors that are associated with becoming licensed for being onboard ships. The Maritime Academy is NOT related to Engineering at Galveston, although they are both there on the same campus. Again, itā€™s NOT too late to join the Galveston Corps as an engineering student. I will try to find out if signing up at NSC is the right time. I believe that will work.

I just emailed about when the engineering freshmen would join the Corps at Galveston.

I received an automatic reply back saying that Commander Refugio is at a conference now but will return on Wednesday, Feb. 28.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg Thank you for the information. Iā€™ll immediately tell my son about that.

Hello, is anyone else having problems signing up for housing in Galveston? We couldnā€™t get through for the past couple of weeks. Now that my son can finally log in, he cannot get past the ā€œPersonal Detailsā€ and ā€œEmergency & Missing Person Contactā€ sections even though everything has been filled out. He called them yesterday, and they acknowledged there have been some issues. I am just curious if anyone else has been having this problem or if it is an isolated incident.

I donā€™t recall having trouble with the Galveston housing application, @mamabeartx, but if thereā€™s trouble with an online form, sometimes I just try another browser. That can happen without my even taking much note of it.

Anyone else in the Galveston admit pool have trouble with the housing application?

Re joining the Corps at Galveston, I am quoting below directly from from CDR Buzz Refugio (Commandant). He is extremely prompt about returning emails, in my limited experience.

We will have to sit down and absorb this material, but this may be clear enough to get it all done by the 1 August deadline. I suspect our family would try to bring required paperwork to the scheduled NSC.

O-Week is the TAMU-Galveston Corps orientation/training week in August. I think itā€™s the week before school starts. They need to be in shape for this per the linked-to information below.

"Thanks for your message. Individuals interested in joining the Corps of Cadets as Drill & Ceremonies have until 1 August to submit their completed application for admission into the Texas A&M Maritime Academy and the Corps of Cadets.

Information about the 2018 O-Week for all new incoming Cadets will be posted as by the end of next week at http://www.tamug.edu/corps/Oweek.html.

[Re the Medical required to join:]
The CG 719K form can be completed by any medical practitioner. The first three pages are the instructions followed by the form itself. We ask applicants be completely upfront about their medical history so that the National Maritime Center can review the information in its full capacity.

Specific to Section VII (Demonstration of Physical Ability), the instructions provide guidelines as to how such physical ability applies. Item 1 of Section VII, is a good example of the process."

Hi all - I am an out of state student from Delaware admitted to the engineering at Galveston program. Iā€™m working on the housing application but am having some trouble getting thru it. Iā€™m thinking itā€™s a website problem. It wonā€™t let me move on from the roommate search and information part because I donā€™t have a TAMU email.

Anyways, I plan to do NROTC while at Galveston and continue with it at CS. Im not sure if that will change the housing application/being able to request a roommate, but if anyone is looking for a roommate I will put my info here:

Sex: female
Dorm use: study and semi social (prefer to keep commotion/company to a minimum)
Sleep habits: sleep at midnight, wake at 8 (when possible), no snoring
Dorm habits: clean, organized, respectful of space
Activities: Fire/EMS services, gym, traveling, equestrian
Music: hard rock and heavy metal. Donā€™t worry, I listen with earbuds :stuck_out_tongue:

@goingtocollege0917 Congratulations!
Your TAMU email address should be your original user ID with an added ā€œ@tamu.eduā€.
Have you tried this? I am not sure whether you actually have to do anything to activate your TAMU email account. Please share if you find out anything.

Posting here per one of the advisors update:

ā€œThe TAMUG Engineering Preview Day is a College Station event that is taking place here in Galveston, they have not set up the registration portal yet. We are currently waiting for College Station to provide us the link for that as we speakā€

@goingtocollege0917 You can get to your email from Howdy. Login to Howdy and at the very top, there should be an icon for ā€œEmailā€. Click on it and it will take you to your email account.

Your email address should be your NetID@tamu.edu. Hope this helps ā€¦

Or NetID@email.tamu.edu

Thanks, @mikeinsugarland -for the UTD review on the other thread - sounds promising. We visited Galveston campus this week and it is pretty much as I had read descriptions of - located just over the bridge on Pelican Island - pretty much nothing other than the school and one gas station located around it. The road to get there is not very pretty and mostly industrial. The campus does feel pretty A&M-ish - just MUCH smaller. The student population is less than my sonā€™s current HS. I want him to at least visit UTD to decide - he is leaning towards TAMU mostly bc of the reputation of the degree and he is not crazy about living in Dallas (we are Houston biased lol) but I want him to make a totally informed decision.
If anyone goes to tour and is running late - be sure to pay for parking at the far end of the parking lot to the far right of the entrance of the main building - the parking kiosk is not very easy to see when you are driving in and I had to rush over there after walking across the wooden steps to the entrance to the building (didnā€™t see it until they told us where it was)ā€¦ They could really improve on this!

@KIMZ99 My impression of UTD is that it has an exceptionally good Computer Science department. Richardson is so close to tech in Dallas that internship possibilities should be available there. We can see from @mikeinsugarland that his son is interested in Mechanical Engineering, and that is clearly coming along at UTD. UTD is the second school in the UT system and a very credible force. UTD may eventually have a niche/peer relationship with UT-Austin if Austin is not careful, along the lines of the relationships among the top U of Calif. schools. I hope so, actually. Meanwhile, presumably there is a possibility of transfer to Austin if your sons wanted a ā€œnameā€ school. I really liked UTD. We took our older son there twice, but he wouldnā€™t have any part of it. I believe that he was biased against it without cause because he could never give us a real reason. We told him that he could go there and simply state on his resume that he had a full ride. This or being in an honors college would be a powerful offset against not being at the ā€œflagshipā€ campus. I know that UTD has some pretty prominent honors programs, like the McDermott scholars.

I will maintain from my own experience (only) that UT-Austinā€™s reputation is a mystery. There are some outstanding students there, but I just donā€™t get the overwhelmed feeling about the school. I am an Aggie but also went to two other schools for grad work. I was open-minded about UT and even took my older son there to visit. That son started in Computer Science at UT-Austin and found his way into a life science/computer science hybrid niche, Computational Biology. He didnā€™t have the chops and interest for full-blown conventional CS at the 9th ranked CS school, and he loves genetics and biology. Computational biology is an extremely good fit for him. My point is that, fortunately, UT-Austin is so large that he found this blend as a formal degree option. It is worth checking whether UTD would have good alternatives if your youngsters need to look laterally in the direction you think they might. However, your youngsters may have more definite inclinations already. My older son was more ambiguous about his inclinations after high school due to mixed strengths (and weaknesses). (This also contributed to his very poor grades freshman year.)

My younger son is extremely active. Although he is plenty intelligent and is fairly good about his school work, he has other interests, like sports and hands-on work. He is not the person who can absolutely drop dead excel at everything, like a military academy nominee. Hands-on work has always been in the picture for him. We most recently lost control of our garage to his two cars. This sort of thing has been going on all his life. Of course, thereā€™s nothing like the education a person can get from real world struggles, as I tell myself. For me, he shouldnā€™t be at an urban and international campus like UTD, period. He also needs discipline, understandably, and the Corps, however long he could hang with them or, more importantly, they with him (perhaps not long), might help with this. I also believe that it is a good idea for him to have all the engineering majors to choose from. He might end up in Ocean Engineering if he doesnā€™t or cannot continue with Mechanical, for example. Every student is so different. Itā€™s like using eharmony: find the right match. God bless all these young people.

I want to add the cautionary note that transferring into CS at UT-Austin is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. I wouldnā€™t count on it being a possibility unless there were a truly exceptional student involved. I am not able to comment with high authority on the difficulty of transferring into Mechanical Engineering but would expect it to be easier.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg Haha ā€¦ I have to chuckle at your eharmony referenceā€¦ :wink:

@KIMZ99 Location wise UTD is a suburb of Dallas so youā€™re pretty much in a residential area vs the urban settings like UH or UT Austin.

Anyway, I went to UT Austin partly because my 3 older brothers went to A&M (the rebellion phase). Reputation counts though - no matter how it was formed. Everything being equal, being from highly known school outside of Texas is an advantage when you go on job interviews. With the investments UTD is making to its schools - particularly Engineering and CS, I believe their reputation is on the rise and their value will only grow in the future. I think their US Newsā€™ ranking rise up 10 spots from 2016 to 2018.

With that being said, how well your son/daughter do wherever they are will be the major factor in determine whether they have a great college experience while in school and a good job after as well. Each kid is different, but knowing my son, I know he will do very well in the smaller, quiet settings that they have at UTD. Frankly, if current UTD exist back then 25 years ago, I would have choose it over UT Austin or A&M.

This is why it is going to be a tough decision for us. Oh well, but it is a good problem to have though ā€¦

We live in Austin and my sonā€™s top three are UT Austin, TAMU and UTD. He got some scholarships from Texas Tech, UNT and UT Arlington. He was accepted to UH main, UHCL, Texas State university San Marcos and UTSA.
TAMU offered him Engā€™g at Galveston. We visited UTD in December for campus and housing tour. He is in the LLC program at UTD. Received the formal letter from TAMU this afternoon.
My sonā€™s final decision is to go to UTD. He will select his LLC room this March 5 and registered for the June 11-12 orientation day. Nevertheless, we may still visit TAMUG in one of the weekends. Good luck to all

My older son had a roommate (at UT-Austin) who went to Computer Science competitions at UTD some weekends. They appear to have an outstanding program, and good luck to your son, @FourR.

@MomHopesNxtGenAg My son sent an email and hasnā€™t got a reply from them yet. He just wonders if he can still join NROTC. :frowning:

@TracendentAxel: Is your son trying to get NROTC money?

The Corps deadlineā€“just joining the Corpsā€“appears to be August 1.

Obtaining NROTC scholarship money is a separate process. I suggest researching this separately. Perhaps just calling the Galveston Corps Commandantā€™s office would be a good place to start. If you look on the website linked to below, you will see the Galveston Corps phone number listed. Good luck and keep us posted!
