A&M "MS Business"

Anyone have first-hand experience with the new-ish program called MS Business through the Mays school??? Apparently it is for non-business majors, and after they finish their undergrad degree they attend a variety of business classes over an 11-month period to earn a Masters - Business. This is different than an MBA, presumably less intense, and it is specifically limited to non-business majors.

I’d love to hear from someone who is in the program or knows someone who has been through the program.

My son was offered PSA, and it is near impossible to get into Mays undergrad through that route. He really wants to major in business, has offers from several other schools, but is considering majoring in something else at A&M (after the PSA year) and doing MS Business at the end.

I just don’t know how to value the MS Business program. Yes, you would get access to the Mays career center, hopefully with good opportunities… but it is hard to see how this would be as valuable as the traditional undergrad business degree through Mays. Plus… if he doesn’t get into the MS Business program… he’ll have a degree in some other major that he really doesn’t want.

Advice from someone in the know would be much appreciated.

@CyRanchXfer I don’t have any knowledge of the MS Business program. However, last year we visited with the Economics department advisor and it may be worth a call to get their perspective. I imagine they get a number of students that don’t get admitted to Mays but still have that business/economics interest. They can also tell you about the growth in the demand for economic majors.

Thanks trinley. My degree is in econ from A&M, and I do see that as a potential path. I don’t think the liberal arts college does a good job helping with career placement, but maybe combined with a business minor and MS Business the situation would be different. A&M Econ dept emphasizes theory over practice to such an extreme degree (probably because it is in the liberal arts college, seen as a social science) that I think it hurts students who want careers outside of academia, law school, or government.

You can also get a minor in business - those courses are specifically for non-Mays students. http://mays.tamu.edu/business-minors/