A New Hookie!!!

Hey guys so I recently got of the wait list and there is a 99/100 percent chance i am going to commit, but I have a few questions…

  1. Is it worth to bring a car on campus(do they provide shuttle/buss services)?
  2. Do they have a system in place in where you can choose your own roommate/ or fill out a survey (might be a silly question)
  3. Where can i find Virginia techs meal plans(found housing but no plans.

It’s Hokie with one O .

Congratulations on getting off the waitlist! Dining, meal plan info is here- http://www.dining.vt.edu/

Congrats @Mallu1asa! Could you please tell me when did you get off and did you do anything to get off? Since I am on the waitlist and still waiting.

@xyz258 I did absolutely nothing about the wait list. I did not send a email or anything to them. I heard back on May 2 (right after decision day). Hope this helped xyz and good luck!

@Mallu1asa You’re welcome! haha…Good Luck!

@Screennname :slight_smile:

my son’s waitlist changed to regular freshman applicant. I called and they said yes he was accepted. But, I can’t get to the page to pay the money.

be a good Hokie and don’t play Hookie

okay :slight_smile: