A non-native speaker is suitable for focusing on Journalism?

<p>Hi, all.</p>

<p>I am a non native speaker in English, has an associate diploma in business, but not quited interested in it. so I worked for years and then continue my study now. It seems that I am more interested in social sciences related.</p>

<p>I think of 4programs to choose from
1. economics BA or BSc is OK,
2. Mass Communications or Journalism.
3. Statistics (I used to got high marks in Advanced Maths, but I am not sure if I am really interested in handling with numberals )
4. Nutritional Sciences (I have read quite a few books on vitamins/minerals, but I don't think I am interested in biology and chemistry)</p>

<p>But as a non native speaker, it is said that it is always not easy to have a good prospect in option 2 due to the difference of culture and gap of lingual proficiency. What do you think of it? I am a quick learner and curious about many things. so what should I go for?</p>

<p>Should I choose economics as program and minor in Journalism, or vice versa?</p>

<p>Thank u.</p>

<p>The study of mass communication at the graduate level often involves a great deal of statistics … possibly a way to combine two of your interests (as opposed to applied journalism).</p>