<p>What's the standard protocol for putting titles at the top of your essays? Do most of you do it? Do adcomms expect it? Should I feel obligated to add one, or only if it's really catchy? Or is it just plain over-doing it?</p>
<p>What's the standard protocol for putting titles at the top of your essays? Do most of you do it? Do adcomms expect it? Should I feel obligated to add one, or only if it's really catchy? Or is it just plain over-doing it?</p>
<p>I heard there should be a catchy one, or a really good first line. Both is even better</p>
<p>Well, I’ve got the latter, so I guess the former is all I need :)</p>
<p>holy crap! until just now, my post count was 1337</p>
<p>A title is ok but is not necessary.</p>
<p>The consensus I’ve seen seems to be that you should add it if it’s good, but if you can’t think of anything don’t force it.</p>