<p>Yesterday I got my PSAT score. Even though I'm applying for 10th grade, we still sent the PSAT as well. We went to the post office today and there was an empty box sitting on a table. It was for this blanket-y thing called a Snuggle or something. It was one of those as seen on tv products that are completely useless! Anyways, so I was like haha I've seen those on TV. Later on, I saw the commercial again and they're made in Wallingford, CT! Where Choate is! Where I was sending my last part of my application!
A coincidince..... I think not ;)</p>
<p>I SAW THAT TOO! The address, I mean. I watched their video on youtube, I found it so pointless, yet hilarious (:</p>
<p>haha!! I saw a math problem where these people were driving from Lexington to Exeter, and that was totally what we did!! We stayed in Lexington, and drove to Exeter. !!! But I think it’s sort of like when you learn a new word, you start hearing it everywhere because you’re more likely to remember it.</p>
<p>Thingslost, my friend was doing her math homework and was like “Oh my gosh! (My name), there’s a problem about Exeter in heree!!!” Heheh I bet it was the same one you’re talking about. Like a distance = rate x time problem or something?</p>
<p>I don’t know. Maybe. It wasn’t homework though. It was a mathcounts question.</p>