<p>I am so excited to get my letter and be done with this college search. Accepted or rejected, I am so looking forward to the day I open my mailbox and tear open the envelope of CLOSURE. This college application process has definitely been one of the most stressful times of my life, and HANDS DOWN the waiting is worse than the applying. </p>
<p>Every time I look at CC my stomach churns. And if there are any of you out there who can't wait to throw yourselves a done-with-college-search party... Grab some glitter, throw it in the air and HOLLLLAAAAA </p>
<p>xo :)</p>
<p>Haha, totally agreed! I’m extremely anxious about the decisions, but like you said, I need some closure on this whole ordeal! Everyone always remarked that senior year was the easiest year, and I feel that wasn’t the case for me (I’m probably not alone in that respect). </p>
<p>I’m sure once decisions are out, regardless of the outcome, we (as in CC) can ALL party it up here. I think CC adds a level of stress to the whole admissions process…but I’m addicted anyway :)</p>
<p>Btw, glitter is on me, fellow CC’ers!</p>
<p>CC DEFINITELY adds stress. I have been on this website every day this month checking to see if the colleges I applied to sent out likely letters or admission letters or if anyone else was as stressed as I was. Luckily, everyone is as stressed as I am. I wish that all colleges just relesed their decisions in the same week, because I’m sure waiting until March 31st to release decisions constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.</p>
<p>I have to agree. All the colleges should release decision at same time for the RD. In that way, within a day or so, everything will be over. Instead of last three months while the kids are still in school. I think current approach is only good for colleges, not good for kids at all.</p>
<p>While I can’t deny that CC has been helpful in the college admissions process, it is SO nerve wracking to read on CC about people getting likely letters because then I just feel that I’m doomed to be rejected! I’m determined to have the best time of my life in the next two weeks (relax, have fun) so that whatever happens on March 30th/31st, I’ll at least have been able to enjoy myself!</p>
<p><em>ahem</em> that is all
<p><3 you, Duke</p>
<p>@Misterbeck- I love your positive attitude. As for me, I will continue with my constant email check. Daily Routine:
- 5am wake up, check email
- 530 eat breakfast
- 6 check email
- 630 leave for school (but check email again, you never know)
- 4th period(t.a.)-check email
- lunch- check email
- 5th period(comp sci)- check email
- after school- go to key club and check email
- go home, do homework, check email.
- go to sleep @ 10 30, but check email again, just to make sure.</p>
<p>^ Very foolproof :)</p>
<p>I’m calling Duke tomorrow to see whether this LSRW invite means I got into the university. It’s unbelievably frustrating that they would send something like this to applicants while being completely vague about whether the applicant was accepted.</p>
<p>Either way, only nine more days until decisions :).</p>
<p>worst feeling is finding out others got likelies to the schools you want so badly!
best feeling? finding out you got one :)</p>
<p>^Oh yes…ONLY nine. :'[</p>