<p>holy crap this rocks! Thank you! (bookmarks)</p>
<p>You said you were open to suggestions/additions, so...</p>
<p>Clothes hangers!
Answering machine
Sewing kit
Plastic Wrap or Foil for your foods</p>
<p>These things might be useful too; I didn't see them listed. But thanks again with the list. Nice going remembering to list little things like mints and can openers, too.</p>
<p>Hair grease......Dry hair is distasteful</p>
<p>awesome list, Kate. Thanks for all of the effort!!!</p>
<p>Yay! This list is featured 3 times and is even on the main CC board! Kate - you'd better copyright it ;)</p>
<p>Wow this is such a cool list! I love it:) I was making my own list but it's not even close to being good as yours.</p>
<p>Paper towels
zip lock plastic storage bags-gallon size</p>
<p>Duck Tape (you don't have to use the ugly silver -they also have white and other colors too)</p>
<p>Man, and I thought I was almost done shopping! Thanks for the list though--lots of stuff I wouldn't have thought of, but really will need.</p>
<p>A word of warning about laundry products and cleaning products- some people are very senstitive to scents and smells, so you'll want to be careful about what you bring.</p>
<p>Summary of my suggestions:
Fan if you live in an unairconditioned dorm.
Feminine hygiene products for women.
Poncho for when it's blowing rain
Woolite for clothes that are handwash.</p>
<p>i ended with 102 !!!!!! my original list had 24 items :D
Thanks a lot kate for the list and for the timing (i was asked to show a list today :) )</p>
<p>it seems like everyone these days needs lists and needs to plan out every moment of their lives. In the hours it takes to make a list like this, you could bring the basics, and just buy whatever else you needed. Dorms are small, there is no way you can fit everything on that list (or half of it, if you want to say your list is just guidelines) in a room. Also, you will be living near a bunch of people and could probably borrow a couple things if you needed to.</p>
<p>if you are buying the items at college though, you don't need a list, because, if you find you need more hangers, you can go to the store and buy them. Also, making such a comprehensive list like this kinda does show that you need to plan everything out. Think about it, with these lists you are trying to plan out every day of your college life based on the things you will need for those days. Also, I don't see how your lists are that helpful because you basically just wrote down every item they sell at osco drug or cvs.</p>
<p>I, for one, appreciate a good list. Thanks kateapollo!</p>
<p>mkay katie your list is fine, i just reckon it's overkill.</p>
<p>If it's too much for anyone, just copy the entire thing into Word and delete all that you won't need. Voila...instant personalized list.</p>
<p>Great list! I hadn't thought about so many of those things, so this was a great way to make sure I'll go to college prepared. =)</p>
<p>Thanks to everyone who found the list helpful. Also, thank you for the suggestions and additions people offered. More are welcome.</p>
<p>Tiramisu's idea is what I was hoping people would do: copy and paste into Word, delete what you don't need, and there's your college list, ready and done.</p>
<p>God!!!! I wish everyone would just shut up about the list!! It was a great list with very good items. Anyone who didn't like it, didn't have to read it. Thanks Kate for the list and try hard not to curse the haters out. :)</p>
<p>Yea I didn't know people could get so upset about a list. It's helped more people than it didn't, and I for one appreciate it very much.</p>