A unique circumstance… Ukrainian refugee, need advice

Hi I am writing on here because I am frankly not very well educated in boarding and prep schools. My teen cousin has recently become a refugee from Ukraine due to the war and we are his only family outside of the country. And now we are looking for a five day prep/boarding school for him to attend. He doesn’t have amazing grades, they are average but he is fluent in 3 languages and is almost fully fluent in english. He is also a national karate champion and plays soccer competitively. The biggest concern is finances and we would need significant financial aid, I also understand that most boarding schools have closed their admissions. We live in new york and would prefer a school somewhere nearby but are open to all options. Anybody with knowledge of schools fitting this criteria or even advice at how to approach these schools would be greatly appreciated.

Not sure but maybe someone can chime in here. Is there a specific thread/board for NYC private schools?

One thing you are up against with the BS application is that many have a due date of today. Idk if that is the care with NYC private schools however.

He sounds like an amazing kid who has likely gone through a tremendous amount. But I think you have probably missed the application window for this year, particularly for a kid who need significant aid. Also, if his grades while his life was stable we’re just okay I have a hard time seeing him thriving in a very challenging competitive environment particularly away from his only family in the US. I am worried an admission officer would see it that way too. It may be more beneficial to spend a year in a regular high school to get adjusted, grades from an American school (quite possibly less difficult that Ukrainian school), integration into his sport, etc. In which are he can write an amazing essay about resiliency, etc.

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I just realized that I misunderstood the grading system in Ukraine and upon searching up some references in the american school system he would have an average of about a B+ so it is a bit above average. Also would you say it is worth it to contact schools and ask for a deadline extension due to the circumstances?

There’s a program called “Ukraine Global Scholars” that sends students to U.S. boarding schools/colleges each year—I have a few classmates who were in it. Maybe they can look into that, as well?


Because of his unique circumstances I think you can find a spot for him, it just might not be at a place with a 5 day program. I’d contact AO’s immediately and have a conversation. Millbrook sounds like a good match and they will likely still have spots open.

“Hi I am writing on here because I am frankly not very well educated in boarding and prep schools”

My guess is your impression and knowledge of boarding schools is probably limited to those that are most talked about, but there is a school for everyone if you cast a wider net. I would tell you to check the “hidden gems” thread, but as you are short on time, hopefully, people can quickly point you in the right direction. With that said, many of the schools that would be a fit accept applications after the posted deadline.

Where are you in NY? Would CT or NJ be a reasonable drive for weekend visits (for a 7 days program where it didn’t need to be every weekend)? Do you think he would be okay going as far as NH? I think New Hampton or Proctor would have spots. Usually financial aid is handed out early, but as I said, I think he has a very unique situation. Have you looked into visa requirements? OAs (Admission Officers) might be able to help you with that.


Additionally, Millbrook, New Hampton and Proctor will let you apply without SSATs. ALso check out Pomfret. All of these schools tend to have spots available into the spring/ early summer, but when they do it may be for a specific grade and/or gender.

Thank you so much, do you think it would be a good idea for him to apply for a repeat grade?

Yes. Lower grades have more openings. I’m also assuming that language and a change in curriculum will be difficult to navigate. Many kids without these challenges choose to repeat a year when entering boarding school. Repeating a year makes sense.

The school may even suggest or require you to repeat a grade. Or only offer you a spot for a specific grade.

Look for schools with rolling admissions/still taking applications. I think you can filter that on Boarding School Review. I think Hackley and Masters both have 5 day boarding and they are both close to NYC. Good luck

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Many of the schools that still have openings aren’t listed. It’s always worth a call.

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Repeating a year is definitely a good idea, since it would give him an extra year to truly master English. I think that there will be great sympathy for the plight of a Ukrainian refugee right now, so he might get very significant financial assistance. If you have room for him to stay in your home, you might also want to consider parochial high schools near where you live, which might give him free tuition, and are likely to be better than the public high school that he might be assigned to, simply by virtue of your address.

Check out The Salisbury School, Trinity Pawling, and South Kent. All boys’ schools that may be more lenient on the admissions deadline.

ETA: and all are within 2 hours of nyc

Check into Winchendon - they do rolling admissions. They have a campuses in MA and in NYC (but I think NYC is only day students)

Thanks so much everybody for your advice I have already spoken to a few AOs and my question now is, would he apply as an international applicant? and also since we aren’t his “legal” guardians yet how would we fill out the fa form?

I would imagine no CC poster has had to figure this situation out, so we won’t know the answers. (If I’m wrong, chime in!). So your best bets are to ask the schools themselves.

I know that George has had students in this situation (Afghanistan) and I would guess that the admissions office walked them through it. Clearly not a "regular " scenario.

These were my exact thoughts. Call their AOs immediately OP. You’ve missed the deadline but I’d say given the larger circumstances the chances are not zero (though close).

As @cinnamon1212 said, these are for sure Q’s for the AOs. They’ll have to think outside the box of the typical situations they encounter as this surely is not one. Hopefully they’ll at least give your cousin a look.

There’s Phillips Academy! Last year I applied after the Jan 15 deadline and theirs is February 1st. They don’t require an interview or any test scores and they are very generous with financial aid- and I’m pretty sure they give out financial aid to international students too!