AA grad school admissions

<p>I'm currently only between my 2nd and 3rd year of undergrad, but I intend on pursuing a PhD. and couldn't find anything regarding admissions rates or much helpful information about AA's applying to grad school. The majority of information I've found on the web is either exclusively undergrad or regarding med/law/vet/pharm/business school. I was wondering if anyone knew of where this information could be found or personal experience or the sort.</p>

<pre><code> I've been trying in particular to find out about Computer Science or Engineering PhD program admission rates and average GPA's (It seems GPAs matter a lot more for grad admissions than undergrad due since many schools judge research ability upon it, and because the GRE is oft trivial for engineering grads as the majority do exceedingly well on the math portion making it hard to compare, and the verbal and writing sections aren't as relevant when you are going to be nearly exclusively working on the research you signed up with) for schools such as Caltech, Stanford, UC-Berkeley, Carnegie Mellon, MIT, UT-Austin, UIUC, Georgia Tech.

<p>I'm also open to additional school suggestions of where I should consider.
I'm currently a Computer Engineering(software specialization) major and Electrical Engineering minor at UF with a 3.74 gpa and averaging 17-19 credits a semester. And I intend on doing research dealing with Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Augmentation, Fuzzy Logic, and Game Theory applied to computer applications.</p>

<p>Any help would be greatly appreciated, I've tried scouring the internet but to no avail.
Thanks in advance, sorry for the length.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for bringing this up wintre!</p>

<p>I’ve been dying for AA graduate school stats, or at the least some helpful AA graduate information. But sure enough, each forum topic is too broad and/or focuses on the rigor of undergraduate applications. </p>

<p>Perhaps we could utilize this thread for info & stats (or at least create one in the AA section)?</p>

<p>I’m a Philosophy and Economics double major with a ridiculous amount of EC’s, and am approaching my final year. My GPA is 3.86, and I’m preparing for the LSAT exam coming up in the Summer.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any advice on Law School or Graduate Programs?</p>