About my chances

Hello I am a 8th grade student currently living at Cupertino, California.
I was born at US and then I lived at South Korea for my elementary school. At this time, I got bunch of awards at math.
Then at 6th grade, I came to US and went to school at North Carolina.
I was at ESL and at first two quarters of school, I got a B at each quarter. But at 3rd and 4th quarter, I managed to get all As. Then after finishing my sixth grade, I went to California, this time out of ESL. I was not involved in extracurriculars at 7th grade, except golf. And I got all As at seventh grade. Now I am at eighth grade and my trimaster is just finished and realized that I got a B at PF. I am currently at Speech and Debate Club, Human Rights club at school and play golf at outside of school. Now I am applying for Choate Rosemary Hall, Taft, Peddie, and Blair. Oh and I got 93% on my SSAT. What will be likely to be my chances to be accepted to schools that I applied?, would my sixth grade’s two Bs and one B at PF at trimaster at eighth grade that just ended will affect my chances much?