?? about parents picking up students during school year etc

<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>I'm hoping some present day students or former students or parents can answer some questions here.</p>

<p>During BGR we are be given nice little convenient times to park in front of the dorms with instruction to then "move on" into one of the garages when finished unloading. This will work great.</p>

<p>My concern/question is about future visits. Example: say I'm picking son up for a break, do I get to park in front of his dorm? Probably not as there are not enough spaces for all the cars. But it doesn't make sense that I would have to park in a garage either as son will have a ton of stuff to bring home during breaks; desktop computer possibly, dirty clothes, books for school work etc. Am I expected to pay the $5, park in a garage and we have to carry all of that for all the trips? (son brings a lot home!) How does this work?</p>

<p>Likewise, all of son's stuff will not fit in our vehicle during the BGR move in time. So I thought I would go down a week or two later with his desktop (the monitor is huge), his bicycle and groceries. Do we then have to carry all this stuff from a garage? How does this work.</p>

<p>I suppose it doesn't help matters that he is on the 4th floor of Earhart. Are there elevators to use? or do we hike up steps. Thanks to anyone for any help.</p>

My son attended there three years ago and I remember that the drop off actually worked well with the given time slots. As for other visits, don't worry about parking. You should be able to park on the street by Earhart for the time you are there. I was out there for Homecoming and remember parking near Harrison Hall. He might find out for you if there's a visitor's pass you are supposed to have, but I know I didn't bother with that. The only other times it will probably be real busy is Homecoming and probably parents weekend (although we weren't out there for that). My husband did the pickup at the end of the year so I don't know how they managed that one, but again, I think it went smoothly. As for elevators, yes there are elevators in Earhart. In fact, I had to do a double take imagining men living there as I lived on the 3rd floor of Earhart for two years over thirty years ago, long before it was ever coed!!! If Earhart is like Harrison (and I think it is) there may even be a freight elevator available on the day of move in. I know we also had that available over in Harrison. </p>

<p>Good luck, and have fun! Go Boilers!!!!!</p>

<p>We are arriving Saturday but our move-in isn't until Sun. morning. However, I had planned to walk in some duffle bags and get a head start on making his bed and hanging up clothes. They said we could get a room key ahead of time, so I figured we'd just drop off the stuff in front of Earhart, park somewhere and then carry them up. Hope we're allowed to do so because we won't have time to spend there very long on Sunday.</p>

<p>Thanks choff for answering my questions and good luck Tookie getting things settled. This is all coming up so quick, we are all excited. Best wishes to all with your move ins!</p>

<p>Mominin, did you get him all settled in? Everything was so organized and nice, I was really impressed. S is having a great time at BGR, meeting lots of people, has a great roommate, etc. and getting all fired up about football season.</p>

<p>Yes, thanks. We got settled in and I too was impressed how very organized it all was. But son pointed out, with that many students in a school that old/size...you have to be organized, lol. Son's roommate was really nice, quiet like my son so I was happy that my son included him in some get-togethers with friends that first night. Son was excited to run into several old friends on campus. He told me he wished school didn't start next week, ha! Glad your son is enjoying it too. Although my son is not into football he seems quite pumped with all there is to do on campus. BTW, I liked it too that although the rooms were extremely small, they had new furniture :)</p>