Academic Integrity

I would not think that correlates at all ( theft/cheating). Students are more likely to report witnessing a theft than cheating

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I think you missed the first part of what I wrote – and you make my point for me. I was contrasting the strictly enforced honor code at Washington and Lee University (where stealing is virtually unheard of) with other schools (including my alma mater the University of Rochester) without a similar code/culture.


Risk of theft may be confounded by how many non-student thieves there are in the local area. A college where most students come from low crime areas may be a target for local thieves, due to such students often being lax with security precautions. So leaving one’s stuff unattended and not having it stolen may have as much to do with a low number of thieves in the area as it does with an honor code.


Or a high percentage of very wealthy students who can buy anything they want anyway

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Open-note is what Duke does in many stem and other courses, especially into upper levels. Even the ones that aren’t open-note have purposefully difficult problems such that the average is below 60% correct. Multiple choice is exceedingly rare: its essays or short answers or complex problems to write out. Every school has cheaters, but the ones I hear most about(work colleagues) have a lot of multiple choice and repeat of old exams.

I agree about the honor code at W&L being taken seriously.

As crazy as this sounds, kids rarely lock their dorm room/apt doors. (Of course, the exterior doors of the buildings are secure.) My D regularly leaves her backpack and laptop unattended in the library or science building while she runs to a meeting or meal.

The honor code also applies to academic integrity. Regarding ChatGPT, there’s been a lot of discussion within the faculty about how to integrate these type tools into curriculum when appropriate. Some classes do prohibit the use and others will allow with proper citing. I do believe some classes that formerly allowed take home exams may now require in class exams. But overall the exam structure is still quite flexible under the honor code principles.


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