Acceptance into REALLY exclusive law program

<p>I'm pretty sure its 6 people a year for the pre-law program, I applied ED</p>

<p>I want to major, under the law program, with Electronic Media specializing in Graphic Design</p>

<p>GPA is UW 97.6 and weighted 103.2 and i'm pretty sure im in the top 4 even though my school doesn't rank as per a slip from my guidance counselor</p>

<p>I will have taken 11 APs by the time I graduate, I got two 4s, a 3, and a 5</p>

<p>current SAT score is 1290/1940 but I think I broke 1400 this time, so i'm pretty much depending on that to even have a chance with this</p>

<p>Awards & Achievements</p>

<p>• NCTE (National Council of English Teachers) Achievement Award in Writing
• Pursued Graphic Design as a hobby since March 2006
o Received over 139 peer-decided awards for graphic art submitted on various forum web sites
o Currently hosts portfolio website featuring my graphic art (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;)
o Worked with Constantine Maroulis on his official website and t-shirt graphics
• Served as a moderator on a Graphic Design contest forum (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;) [January 2007 - Present]
• Interviewed Constantine Maroulis of American Idol for the Sider Press (School Newspaper)
• Who’s Who Among American High School Students
• AP Scholar with Honor
• Enrolled in private clarinet lessons [9th through 11th]
• NYSSMA (New York State School Music Association) Graded Performance [10th]</p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities</p>

<p>• Key Club - 11th & 12th - Secretary for 12th
• World Interest Club - Model United Nations - 10th & 11th
• Rutgers Model United Nations - 10th
• Graphic Artist for the Sider Press - 11th & 12th
• Journalist for the Sider Press - 10th through 12th
• Battle of the Classes - 9th through 12th - Art Captain for 9th
• Spanish Club - 9th & 10th
• National Honor Society - 11th & 12th
• Prom Committee – 12th
• World Language Honor Society - 10th through 12th</p>

<p>Employment </p>

<p>• Job at CVS Pharmacy as a Cashier [June 2006 – Present]
o 5 hours per week during school
o 29-39 hours per week during the summer
• Counselor-In-Training at Jack & Jill Montessori School [Summer before 9th]
• Counselor-In-Training at the JCC/Y [Summer before 10th]
• Counselor at Oceanside Recreation [Summer before 11th] </p>

<p>also, they say that you get 24,000 if you get 1400 (or according to the woman on the phone my grades would allow me to get it even though my SAT score now didn't reach that, but I'm like 90% sure I did for Oct), if I were to get over 1400, would I qualify for more scholarship $?</p>

<p>okay so sadly i didnt get 1400 like i thought, I got 1340 :(</p>

<p>is there any chance at all of me getting this?</p>

<p>I think you have a STRONG shot at getting into the program. The problem with this sort of chance thread is that it depends a lot on the other applicants applying for the program, more so than a regular chance thread. But either way, you're definitely a solid candidate.</p>

<p>Also, it seems that this is your number one choice college. Obviously, since you applied ED they will know this. But if it shows through in your essays or short answers as well...I'd bet money on you getting in! =]</p>

<p>Hope that helps. When do you find out btw?</p>

<p>P.S. Do you think you could chance me in my thread? Thx.</p>

<p>Unlike usual college interviews, the interview process for the selective programs (at least for the 7 year med program) is very important.</p>

<p>Also, if you are strong enough to get into the special law program, you will most likely have qualified for full tuition scholarship as well.</p>

<p>Prune your achievements list, and expand on others. For ex, what grade did you receive on your musical performance? While Who's Who should be deleted, as that isn't a real list, but rather a scam.</p>

<p>From what I could tell, they also love non Miami people who apply for some reason for the special programs. At least that's what it was like for the med program.</p>

<p>I don't think you're supposed to apply ED for the program unless you're ready to risk going to UMiami without getting into the program since it's a binding agreement. u might want to check on that.</p>

<p>kid save your time the law school here is small and horrible like everything else...apply elsewhere</p>