Acceptance Question

<p>Hello, I need to know whether I can accepted to a UC or Cal State with my grades and my current situation. Alright, I’m currently going to become a senior and I am worried a few D’s.</p>

<p>I got a few D’s my freshman year. I got a D in English I both semesters but I’ve made them up during the summer (received a B). I got a D in Geometry second semester but I’m making it up right now. I got a D in Biology second semester but I’m making it up right now.</p>

<p>I got one D my sophomore year. I got a D in English II first semester but I don’t have time to make it up before summer break ends. I am worried I won’t be accepted to a UC or Cal State because of this. </p>

<p>My guidance counselor is no help what so ever, any reply or information is greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Sounds like more than a few… I’d say UCs are pobably out.
I’d suggest you get a print-out of your transcript and make an appointment with an admissios officer at the closest CSU. They will give you an assessment of where you stand with the a-g requirements and help you calculate your CSU GPA.</p>

<p>Well, if you end up making up all your Ds and get high enough test scores to get you into the top 9%, you’d be eligible for admission to at least Merced based on ELC. Other than that and maybe Riverside, I’d also say that the UCs are pretty much out. This will give you an idea of whether you’d be considered top 9% or not: [University</a> of California - Statewide path](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>Definitely talk to an admissions officer at your local CSU and see what they say. And of course, apply to other CSUs that interest you.</p>