acceptance rate of Macalester

<p>I have applied to Macalester as Early Decision2.
Is it easier to get in if I applied to early rather than regular?
cuz, this is my first choice among many liberal arts college.</p>

<p>what is the acceptance rate of mac when ppl apply to early decision2?</p>

<p>It was a a little under 50% overall rate for ED overall last year but the ED1 acceptance rate was ~60%. Unless the ED2 pool is much larger than ED1 then math just makes me believe that the ED2 acceptance rate is around the same as RD, which is ~40%. </p>

<p>Should’ve applied ED1 bro.</p>

<p>Hi Loweryoureyelids…how do you know what the ED1 rate was last year?
And big congratulations on your acceptance!</p>

<p>There was a Mac Weekly article from last year about all the ED1 kids sending in their deposits. I tried to find it, but with no luck on google this time. It was something around 63%. It also said 83 kids were accepted last year and my ED letter says 84 were taken this year, so I’m guessing the pool/acceptance rate will be similar.</p>

<p>Here’s last year’s article from Mac Weekly:</p>

<pre><code> All 84 students who Macalester admitted this year under Early Decision I have confirmed their intention to attend Macalester in the 2008-09 academic year. Of the 84 students, 76 are from the United States.

The top six states for ED I applicants and ED I admitted students were Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, California, Illinois and Pennsylvania. The most popular states for ED I applications shift from year to year, Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid Lorne Robinson said.

There were 139 applications for ED I this year.

The number of students enrolled under ED I is consistent with figures from previous years, with the average from 2003 to 2008 about 80 students per year.

Emily Ulrich '10 applied early decision in 2005.

“If I had gotten to choose between seven schools, I knew I would choose Macalester,” Ulrich said. “It just came down to the fact that I knew Macalester was my first choice, so why not do Early Decision? … I didn’t want to have to sit around waiting to find out whether or not I got in.”

The applicants had until Jan. 15 to send a reply and a $300 deposit. Students will have until July to indicate if they wish to defer their enrollment to fall 2009.

Early Decision II applicants will receive an admissions decision from Macalester by Feb. 7.

<p>An earlier article in Mac Weekly includes this quote regarding ED 2 admit rates:</p>

<p>The ED II group is typically smaller, and a weaker group academically, [Lorne] Robinson said, resulting in a lower admittance rate.</p>

<p>Thank you stuytechmom.</p>

<p>Thanks all, for the information. Plus, I really appreciate Macalester for making this information available. It seems to impossible to find ED1 vs EDII rates for other schools.</p>