Acceptance Thread for Undergrad Class of ‘25 & Grad Class of '23

My S has chosen to attend Purchase College Conservatory of Music. Congrats to all!


Congrats to @Coffeymommy and @Kamanuiu!!!

Also, feel free to share advice about how to get a kid to just make a freakin’ decision already! :wink:


We visited the school last week, and he was able to sit in on a class. We’re both vaccinated, too, and followed the school’s precautions. But, that definitely helped!


Also, once we got all the financial aid packages in, that played a large factor.


Congrats to @Coffeymommy and @Kamanuiu. What a milestone!!

Just a general question: Taking a deep dive into the curriculum offered at some universities, we notice that some have more extensive and demanding general education courses that may or may not related to music, both in terms of contents and time requirements. Standalone conservatories seem to have the philosophy of eating, sleeping, and music. It is an individual preference of course. I just wonder if anyone has any insight or personal experience to share, especially how it affects the future opportunity into a music performance school at the gratuade level.

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My D goes to Purchase for Vocal Performance. She tested out of all her gen eds due to very rigorous HS and lots of AP tests. She only takes music classes and helps tutor underclassman on the side. Undergrad is preparing her directly for going onto grad school. Purchase is also very heavy on teaching performance on stage since there are no graduate students which is not always the case at other school. She intends to perform on stage so not taking other classes for her is ok. I think if she was not driving to go into a career of music a conservatory would not be the right choice for her.


Change in plans! My daughter has been accepted to Cleveland!! Woo Hoo!!! She will be a cello performance major this fall.

She is squealing with delight!


It is not going to affect admission to grad school. In fact I know students who got a BA in music and one who didn’t even major in music at a BA school, and are currently in grad school. These people continued lessons and extracurricular performance- and are talented. The variations in BM programs aren’t significant for future plans.


That sounds like a great situation. Thanks for the information. Some universities don’t allow using AP credits to replace GE. It depends on schools I guess.


Let me clarify - AP tests 4 or 5 will get you out of some classes.

at some conservatories an AP score of 3 is sufficient!


Some strong academic program just doesn’t take AP for GE credits even if it’s a 5. It may be used for assigned or unassigned credits for graduation purpose. Personally I think it’s not necessarily a disadvantage for UG to undertake extensive GE courses since it does build a foundation and make the students well-rounded. Still, it’s a balance issue that needs to be carefully weighted against overall music related education/performance.


Hi all, happy to report that my D put her deposit down for Miami/Frost last night. We’re very happy with the decision, musically and otherwise - it’s a great fit for her. I’m going to post some details about her process and decision over on the musical theater board because I think that’s where they would be the most helpful for future kids/parents. Will keep watching this thread in the hopes that there are other Frost parents who’d be up for a meet-up on move-in day this fall!!!


I am excited to have committed to Harvard for fall 2021! What an interesting process this has been. The more research I did and the more people I met and spoke with, the clearer the decision became. At Harvard I can pursue a concentration and / or secondary in both music and science premed track while studying voice privately at NEC! Harvard allows me to keep every door open and pursue both things I love, academia and music. I can’t wait to see what the next four years bring! Best of luck to everyone.


Congratulations!! You have a bright future ahead, no doubt!


Thank you very much!

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Officially committed to Bard Conservatory/College today! Pursuing a dual degree in VP and Computer Science. We visited the campus last week and it was gorgeous. I got the sense that the faculty is extremely invested in the students and the Arts.

It feels like a weight has been lifted!


HI! Congratulations!!

May I PM you some questions about Bard VP?

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My son officially committed to the Eastman School of Music/University of Rochester as a dual degree student (Trumpet Performance/History). This was a very difficult decision for him, but he finally did it.


Of course! Hope I can help out.

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