Acceptance to SUNY Binghamton

Will my daughter get accepted to SUNY Binghamton with a 3.3 gpa, 25 ACT, and a strong course load?

It depends. If she is a new York state resident that does too an average HS, not a URM and doesn’t have any standout extracurricular activites, it might be hard. If she retakes the ACT or takes the SAT and scores really well she will have a better shot.

I think that is too low to be accepted.

Unless she has good recs, outstanding extracurriculars, and has some sort of established relation with the admissions office, I honestly wouldn’t count on it. Not that she doesn’t have a chance, but she is definitely on the lower end of the acceptance spectrum

We are out of state. She attends a very competitive high school. Does that make a difference, being instate vs out if state?

It seems counterintuitive, but yes, SUNY is trying to boost oos enrollment, so possibly.

Calry1998, Binghamton accepts ALOT of students off of their wait list. NY students with extremely high GPAs and test scores often apply to Binghamton as a safety school or more affordable option to have in case they don’t get into or can’t afford the private schools that they are applying to. They are given spots at Binghamton and often don’t notify Bing until May 1 that they aren’t accepted the positions.