<p>I just received an invitation to the Accepted Students Discussion Forum...anyone else got this yet?</p>
<p>Yup I got it</p>
<p>yep yep ...</p>
<p>awwww...not me. ='/.</p>
<p>Cookie - IT's because Williams secretly hates you!!! Ok, not really. It' probably because you are ED, lol. may I have a cookie?</p>
<p>No, you may not have one of my cookies because you are a meanie. haha jk. One triple fudge cookie coming right up.</p>
<p>yep i got one, but when i try to change my password it says authorization failed...</p>
<p>The password changing feature is only for permanent Williams Users..</p>
<p>Cools: I'm ED too, BTW
Azn: 1 triple fudge for me too :D</p>
<p>Lol, meeting you guys in the future sounds like fun.</p>
<p>I didn't get it yet. </p>
<p>But I still want a cookie... YUM! :P</p>
<p>ohh man, ohhh man. When we get to Williams I won't disclose who the person behind this SN is. I already owe like a gazillion cookies to people. hahaha jk.</p>
<p>When we get to Williams we should all have a social and eat cookies.</p>
<p>I'll help make them!! :) I like that idea... but everybody bring some cookies for the first day... :p</p>