Access to Music Building

<p>My daughter is a very good pianist and based on Bama Bound, thought she would have access to the music rooms at the music building. She now tells me that you need approvals from high places if you are not a music major. Apparently, you need an act of Congress to accomplish this? </p>

<p>A full keyboard will not fit in her dorm room at this point. Any insight in to how she can use the facilities? I thought maybe if she minored in music this would give her access?</p>

<p>Is she minoring in Music or taking any piano classes this semester?</p>

<p>This is the policy:
Practicing in the Moody Music Building</p>

<p>Practice rooms in the Moody Music Building are restricted to use by students enrolled for music study at The University of Alabama.
Windows on practice rooms may not be covered at any time.
Students may practice in practice rooms or in spaces assigned by instructors. Students may not practice in the performance halls, in the hallways, in the classrooms, in the basement, or on the outside grounds of the Moody Music Building.
Some practice rooms are reserved for use at specific times by the Community Music School. Other practice rooms, particularly rooms with grand pianos, are reserved for use by specific groups of students and must be signed out. Reserved use times are posted on practice room doors.
Any student may leave a practice room for up to ten minutes without being evicted. After ten minutes, another student may occupy the room, and the new student may deposit the original student’s property outside the room.
A student assumes financial responsible for damage to any University property that the student damages through inappropriate use.</p>

<p>The policy says Music Study not Music Major, I don’t know if you need to be enrolled in a music class or be a music major, it seems that even voice and non-pianists would have the need for a piano to rehearse. If she is taking a class, it seems like she should be able to use the practice rooms. I would just go to Moody and inquire.</p>

<p>If she doesn’t want to minor, can she take lessons? My daughter took bassoon lessons as a non-music major and she was part of the bassoon studio, had access to the reed making room (equipment), practice rooms and had an instrument locker. </p>

<p>MUA 131 is Piano (Non-Majors)</p>

<p>This must have changed from last year.</p>

<p>I called the music department last year to ask about practice rooms and was told that any one could use them. There was no need to sign up for the rooms etc. Not all of these rooms have pianos in them and they are not always finely tuned.</p>

<p>There are specific rooms that are set aside for piano majors that are not available to everyone. The pianos in these rooms are tuned frequently.</p>

<p>There are other pianos around campus that anyone can play. There is one is Riverside and I think there is one in the Ferg. </p>

<p>My S is not a music major or minor and has practiced several times in the Moody practice rooms. You might call the music department and ask about the policy. It may just be certain rooms are restricted and she can still practice in some of the practice rooms. If not, this policy has changed from last year.</p>

<p>Unless it has been moved, there is a grand in the upstairs level of the Riverside Community Center (or whatever they call that) - it is the small building in between Riverside West and Riverside East. Not sure if your access card will get you into the building unless you live there…or any student living on campus can access - that is something to check on.</p>

<p>My son is not a music major, but is in the Huxford Symphony - the music building is open very generous hours and practice rooms are 1st come, 1st served.</p>

<p>The Riverside CC is open pretty much always (I’ve been in there as late as 2 am). The doors don’t require ACT card access for as much as I can tell. The piano is almost always accessible and is wonderfully tuned.
Hope this helps out a bit!</p>