
<p>So i am applying to UCs right now and im wondering which I have a good chance of getting into. I know what the average SATS and GPAs are but im wondering how I will look as an entire package.

<p>UC GPA: 3.73 weighted
from sophmore to junior year i had a 1.1 gpa increase.
(my soph year was lower since I was going through a family crisis which I discuss in my essay)</p>

<p>SAT1: 1920 (retaking in nov, expected to get a 2050)
ACT: 29 (retaking this month expecting to get a 31 or 32)
SAT2: (taking this month)
LIT-expected 710
US Hist: expected 650</p>

<p>I attend a high competitive high school in California and im in the top quarter of my class.
I am not a first generation student and come from a well off family.</p>

<p>I am Hispanic (Mexican).</p>

<p>I have taken 3 AP classes and passed Ap Lang with a 5, Ap Lit with a 3 (did not take the class) and am currently in Ap Bio, Ap Stats, and Ap Psych. I’ve taken a difficult course load.</p>

<p>Volunteer Hours:
I volunteer 5 to 6 hours a week in my school’s Counseling Office and have worked there for the past two years ( My major is psychology and have learned a lot working in there).
I have also done student tutoring and worked in elementary classes.</p>

<p>I have been a teen writer for a major California newspaper for 4 years and was published 45 times. I also had a piece published in Seventeen Magazine and im expecting my essay to be quite good.
I was historian, treasurer, and President of my school’s French club and have been active in it for 3 years. I was given an award of excellence in French.
I was a teen leader for my youth group as well.</p>

<p>What UCs do you think are my safetys, good chances, reaches, and no chance?</p>

<p>THANK YOU!</p>

<p>also, i am applying to san diego state and slo. what do you think chances are for those as well?</p>

<p>In for sure:
Riverside, Merced, Santa Barbara</p>

<p>Match/Slight reach:
Irvine, Davis</p>

San Diego, Los Angeles, Berkeley</p>

<p>Thank you!!</p>

<p>Anyone else? Im also looking at those state schools, and could you chance University of Washington, Santa Clara Univeristy, Fordham U and American Univeristy.</p>

<p>You can never say your in for sure in CA anymore with all the budget cuts and I usually don’t do chance me threads but Your EC’s are great and unusual and SAT/ACT decent, your gpa a little low for mid-upper tear UC’s but with a good essay and explanations you have as good of chance as anyone. SDSU has changed their admissions policy for this fall (last minute) and no longer use their service area as a guaranteed admission however a person gets extra points for living in SD and they are also cutting 2700 students next fall. That being said, you have a good chance IMO at both SDSU and Cal Poly. One word of caution for UW, they are going through major financial problems like the UC’s so expect the OOS tuition to go up again for next year In-state went up 14% this year and will go up 14 % next year, OOS will go up guaranteed 7%, maybe more, More importantly than that, check out the academics because they too have made made major cuts…undergrad classes huge, discussions sections canceled, etc. And more are to come. I know this because D had accepted their offer of admission but then rescinded due to the financial crisis up there. It was better to stay in CA even with our problems.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Anyone else? Ill chance you back.</p>

<p>… bump…</p>

<p>Your UC GPA will hold you back a bit for UCSD, UCLA, and UCB. You should be able to get into the rest of the UCs though. Good luck! :]</p>

<p>Oh god, you’re like my twin! A writer with somewhat similar stats, except I’m Chinese :3 What paper/articles do you write for/about?</p>

<p>I agree with everyone else’s chancing, reaches for UCB/UCLA/UCSD.</p>

<p>Thank you everyone! Thats what I was thinking.</p>

<p>I really want to attend UCSD tho, any ideas on what else i could do to increase my chances?</p>

<p>and if you could also chance me for san diego state and slo as well as UW and Santa Clara thatd be great!</p>