<p>Brand new member on this site but here it goes. My goal is to eventually become a partner at a Big 4 (E&Y, KPMG, Deloitte, PwC) firm.<br>
Top 900 school in the USA and a Rising Junior. Major is Accounting
3.95 weighted (definitely going up Junior year) / 3.6 UW
Around top 12-17%
No SAT II, No AP testes yet, only offered at 11 and 12
Extra Activities/Awards/Volunteer
FBLA, Mock Trial, International Conference- all have leadership positions
Student Gov, Tutor Math to Middle School students,
NHS, National Honors Academy, Leader of the Month (school award)
Taught my mom how to drive and got her her license, Volunteer at hospital 100 hours
Internship at E&Y next summer. Mom's Brother is a Partner (and his father was a partner), he offered it to me this year but because of time issues pushed to next year. </p>
<p>Accept/Reject/Waitlist for following colleges
Emory College (ED)
Notre Dame Mendoza
Boston College Carroll
USC Marshall
University of Richmond Robins
Lehigh University
Boston School of Management
Bentley University
Penn State (state school)
Indiana Kelley(Auto Admit)- I would need some merit aid to go here. Do my stats allow any aid?</p>
<p>Emory College (ED) -Reasonable reach
Notre Dame Mendoza- From what I have heard, really hard
Boston College Carroll- Reasonable Reach
USC Marshall - Low Reach
University of Richmond Robins - Easily
Lehigh University - Match/Safety
Boston School of Management - Easily
Bentley University - Easily
Penn State (state school) - Should get in quite easily
Indiana Kelley(Auto Admit)- I would need some merit aid to go here. Do my stats allow any aid?</p>
<p>Thank you for the response @kinaralah </p>
<p>i just know about kelley but you will defiantly (misspelled that o well) get into kelley directly and will receive good merit aid</p>
<p>Emory College (ED) -Low reach
Notre Dame Mendoza- High Match/Low Reach
Boston College Carroll- High Match
USC Marshall - Low Reach
University of Richmond Robins - Low Match/Safety
Lehigh University - Safety
Boston School of Management - Safety
Bentley University - Low Match
Penn State (state school) - Safety. You will get in EASY</p>
<p>Is it safe enough to call Bentley a safety?</p>
<p>I can’t say I’m really familiar with most of these schools, but after doing a quick check of Emory’s stats (which I assume is your first choice if you’re applying ED) I think you’ve got a decent chance. But you should probably take my evaluation with a grain of salt since I’ve only recently begun familiarizing myself with the college applications process and I haven’t even applied anywhere yet. Best of luck
<p>There are obviously some of the low reaches which would be Emory and Boston College, but those are matches to low reaches/high reaches for everyone because of their selectivity. However I do believe that you will be admitted into places like Penn State and Lehigh with great ease. You seem to be an excellent student. I would probably retake your ACT just because that is a phenomenal score to achieve when you are a rising junior and I can’t imagine the score you could get within the winter of junior year. At this point there isn’t much you can do except enhance leadership in your EC’s and get crack-a-lacking on getting all A’s for this year!
What I would really start doing is crafting your Common App essay. I did mine a year in advance because I always hit road block on certain topics but on others I do fairly well. What really caught my attention was teaching your mother how to drive, to me that is completely and utterly remarkable. For you to take on the role as the teacher and uphold patience while teaching the person who in society is generally seen as the person who is suppose to teach you sounds jolting. Just suggesting, you probably have much greater things to talk about but to me, when I hear that, it sounds like someone who is worth while. </p>
<p>@fcallicotte Thank you for the great advice, I will start looking into the common app essay. </p>
<p>Thanks for chancing me.
I want to say you’re a rising junior.
You have quite some time before thinking about colleges.
I’m a rising senior and I still have no concrete list of colleges I want to go to.
Firstly, retake that ACT. Increasing it by 1-3 points will increase your chances of going to those colleges on that list, no doubt. How was your essay though? Most schools to worry too much about the essay, but a high score may give you an edge. Next, take those SAT IIs. Hopefully you’re adding rigor to your schedule next year with some APs. Hopefully an AP science class. Take 2 SAT IIs next summer (May/June - taking it before the AP exams have seemed to help some many people on APs). Take your SAT II science and SAT II MATH II. You can split up the test days too if that’s more comfortable. Bottom line: get those SAT IIs in. Get that ACT score up. Next, add one more volunteer opportunity and you’re golden. Rack up hours from the hospital (but of course, it’s not all about the hours). You just need more than 100
Your leader positions should be fine. Your ECs are great.</p>
<p>Emory College (ED) -reach
Notre Dame Mendoza- High Reach
Boston College Carroll- Reach
USC Marshall - Low Reach
University of Richmond Robins - Match
Lehigh University - Match/Safety
Boston School of Management - Match
Bentley University - Match
Penn State - Low Match (if you are instate = safety)
Indiana Kelley(Auto Admit)- Apply for Financial aid. Seems like a match/low match! </p>
<p>I hope I helped!</p>
<p>@Kokko2k15 Thanks for the chance back, I was always under the presumption that if you take the ACT then you do not need to take the SAT II tests. Also are the AP tests and SAT II tests structured the same way. I will be taking 3 AP courses next year and 3 Senior year.</p>
<p>Also what is high reach? Does that mean that I have minimal chance of getting accepted (0-5%) ?</p>
<p>@RugbySingh, No problem. May I ask what AP courses you’re taking for junior year? Also, have you taken a pre-calc course yet at school? AP curriculum is similar to SAT II tests in my opinion. (I’ve only taken Chem and Bio though). However, the test format is different. What I did was sit through the AP class, and at the end near testing time (1-2 months before) pick up a Princeton Review Subject Test book to familiarize with the format and style of questions. Also, read through it/study it to really reinforce information. This helps with AP studying too. In addition, SAT Math II is great because you c an really self study it and crank out practice tests on your own without the course. It helps if you have taken pre-calc though. Barron’s does a great job with Math II and collegeboard releases some tests in hard copies for you to take. Barron’s of course is more challenging (more info on that from other posts). You can take a science SAT II before your AP exam and just take the Math II in June, but it’s all your choice. Don’t bother with MATH I because some colleges aren’t too fond of a high score on that. </p>
<p>To your first question: SAT IIs are definitely not required in some schools if you just submit ACT w/ writing. For example, UCLA doesn’t require any SAT IIs, but of course, if one were to submit some pretty decent SAT II scores along with the ACT, they’re definitely going to gain an edge in admissions. </p>
<p>Note: SAT IIs are out of 800. Any score above 750 is great for science. Any score near 780-800 is great for math. I’m personally not satisfied with my 730 in Chem and 730 in Math II… </p>
<p>@RugbySingh, Sorry. High reach is maybe 10%. I’m not too experienced on judging people’s chances and your ACT score + SAT II absences seem to be the only things holding you back. Notre Dame seems like a reach or a low reach because the Ivy’s all seem like High reaches. </p>
<p>I don’t think you should have too much of a problem with the state schools. However at this time, given your not even a junior yet and APs are not offered until junior year, IMO it’s a little early for me to tell. I’d wait a little longer until after junior year and SAT/AP/SATII testing to try and determine your chances.</p>
<p>@Kokko2k15 I will Take AP Calc A/B, AP Chem, and AP Gov next year. Thanks for the clarification on AP tests and SAT II tests. </p>