Accused of cheating on a online-math course that is not college-level

I received a letter from the deans saying that he received an incident report and he didn’t mention what i was accused for this is my first offense and there is evidence that i cheated because that what it said in the letter but i may be charged with a violation.I finished the course within three days spent most of the day working on the self pace course which i did really good on and homework assignments were 10-20 questions per section which there were only three chapters and even finished the test and the final exam with good scores and i was accused of cheating when I worked hard to finish the course as fast as possible because i have other harder courses to worry about,

Incident report from whom? what exactly did it say you did? Did you cheat? What is the evidence?

What does this have to do with the previous sentence? Do the charges against you relate to how long it took you to finish the course?

It didn’t say who it was from or who reported it but i received it from a dean.It said that a report about me plagargising or cheating has been reported to the dean and it is my first offense I’ve never been into any trouble.I didn’t cheat in the letter it didn’t say who reported me and that the problem there and i emailed the dean and asked for more information but he mentioned that my online teacher accused me of cheating because i finish the course fast.

Im explaining how easy it was to finish the course and I might be charged with a violation but I’m not sure if i will or not

Tell him that you finished the course working day and night for 3 days because it was easy and you have much harder courses to worry about. Tell him that you formally dispute any accusations of cheating and ask him what the next step is.

If you have pages of notes or scratch work for the homework or tests that you could show him, that might be useful.

Definitely save any work/notes you did on paper and other evidence that it was your own work. Beyond that, you need to know the procedures.

Note: cheating is cheating whether or not the class is considered college level. Not sure why you mention that in the subject line.