<p>I took an ACT residual (an ACT that doesn't go on my record) and got a 21 composite. I have about 2 years to study for the ACT and I think I'm going to need every day of that two years. A lot of you have done really well, so what ACT prep books would you guys recommend? I really need a good prep book because I'm wanting to get my score to the 27-31 range.</p>
<p>^Two years....what grade are you in? If your in 9th, there no point in starting too much preparation right now because by the time junior year comes along, you will be much better prepared. </p>
<p>You do not need 2 years to study for the ACT, no matter what your starting score is. You don't really need to take it until you're a junior, and by then your score would likely be higher just because you've had more school under your belt.</p>
<p>I agree with the other poster on the books...once you're ready to start, Real ACT + PR is the way to go.</p>