<p>I got a 35 overall (34/34/34/36) and a 6 on writing =(. I know I'm not the best essay writer, but I feel like the 6 doesn't reflect on my real writing ability. </p>
<p>If I were to apply to Ivies would the 6 affect my application drastically? I really don't want to retake and get a composite that might be lower than the one I have.</p>
<p>Do you know if where you’ll appy requires you to send all ACT scores? If not, I would take it again since you’ll probably improve the essay and therefore even improve the writing score. The colleges will see your writing ability on your application so I don’t think they’ll be hyper concerned about the 6. Most colleges says they’ll take the highest ACT composite.</p>
<p>I would improve my essay if I were u just in case. Some school dont even look at the essay score (like University of Chicago) but those are sometimes rare. The really good schools are probably going to be looking at the essay to see if you are good at giving an arguement. I got a 9 on mine so Im just going to tell you what I did.
Take 5 mins and trust me you will need it (dont rush on and write without analyzing your prompt)
Intro I just introduced the topic and led onto my thesis statement. Warning they don’t really care about your writing style much they just care if you can make a plausible and well structured argument in 30 minutes. Transition to your body paragraphs I suggest you have two body paragraphs as support for the thesis and the third body paragraph as a counter argument. You can briefly and just briefly say your opinion about the topic. Acknowledge anyone’s counter arguement to make yourself sound more involved in the topic and creates a sense of ethos (creditability) about what you are talking about. This definately will stregthen your argument. </p>
<p>Make a brief 2 to three sentence conclusion that restates the thesis in a different wording and say the lasting effect the topic will have in the way you arued about. These are my tips hope they helped:)</p>