ACT English form 72c Question

“Above the columns extends a horizontal stone band called a [frieze; carved into it are] the classical theatrical masks that represent comedy and tragedy.”
b. frieze; into which are carved
c. frieze. Into which are carved
d. frieze, carved into it are
the answer is “no change.” I don’t get how the second part “carved into it are the classical theatrical masks that represent comedy and tragedy” could be an independent clause

The second clause is independent. Replace “it” with “the frieze” and it becomes more obvious. The clause follows the same structure as this sentence: “Looming over me is the most important test of my life.”

The verb in the second clause is ARE and everything after the semicolon can function as an independent clause. The subject of that clause is “THE CLASSICAL THEATRICAL MASKS” and the adjective is “CARVED INTO IT.”

Above the columns extends a horizontal stone band called a frieze. Carved into it (meaning the frieze) are the classical theatrical masks that represent comedy and tragedy.