ACT English Section vs SAT for LD student

This question is specifically regarding the English section for both tests, in particular Punctuation. My son has dyslexia/adhd. He has taken the practice ACT twice and has fair scores in the Reading section, but the English score was very poor. One major challenge seems to be his Punctuation. He got every one of those incorrect, as well as a few others. Would the SAT test be a better option? He attends a specialized LD school which primarily supports and prepares the students for the ACT.

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I don’t know, but perhaps he could take a practice SAT test? I suspect that Khan Academy has a free one.

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Does he have accommodations for either the ACT or SAT?

If he were to have extra time via accommodations, I would lean toward the ACT because that test generally has easier content/lower reading level and is more a test of speed. So, if one has extra time, it often makes sense to take the ACT. Many ACT test takers do have to brush up on/re-learn basic grammar and punctuation rules.

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I tutor both those tests. Without doubt, he should take the SAT. It has much less emphasis on punctuation.

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Do the counselors at his school have an opinion?

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Yes, trying a released old SAT would be the best way to find out of the student does better or worse on the SAT versus the ACT.

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I don’t know is if the SAT is better. I have two kids with dysgraphia- they both struggled with the English section but got 36s on reading on the first try. However, studying for the English section was useful for both of them. They learned grammar rules they should have learned years ago. English remained the lowest section for both kids, but they were able to bring it up to a respectable level. We used a private tutor. Have you thought about some private tutoring to help specifically with the English?


Yes, fortunately, he has double time for all testing plus several other accommodations and he said he had time to go back and check his answers.

We have our first meeting next month. We are trying to be as prepared as possible to advocate for him.

You have brought up a very good point. He has dysgraphia as well. Punctuation, spacing, capitalization, etc. have always been a challenge. We are looking into tutoring, so before we start we want to determine which test is best suited to him.

@ucbalumnus @Lindagaf @AustenNut
Thanks, we will have him take a practice SAT as well.