<p>I am a student from Latin America. I would like to know how the ACT works there. I emailed them and they just found a way around my questions. Is the ACT the same in every country?</p>
<p>It costs more outside the US & Canada, and the writing test is only offered on a couple test dates, but otherwise it is pretty much the same now.
ACT</a> Registration : International Testing</p>
<p>Then why can´t you ask for the answer of the test?</p>
<p>Oh... They use different versions of the test (different questions) on every test date in the US, and different versions for Sunday testing, different ones for state-mandated in-school testing, and still different ones outside the US. They only release three of those versions after the test, because it would be the impossible to come up with that many new versions every year--the rest of the versions have to be reused in some way.</p>