Additional Comments Section on the UC application?

I wrote 450 words in the additional comments section. I had awful grades in 10th grade and I explained that my family had severe economic problems, we had problems with immigration, and my parents kept threatening to get divorced to each other. Since I thought we were going to have to move back to india, or we wouldn’t be able to afford college I didn’t try in school. In junior year we got our greencard and both my parents found jobs. The daily arguments stopped I believed that we had finally gained stability so my grades vastly improved and I took the hardest classes my school has to offer. I wrote the whole thing to explain why my grades went from something like a 3.4 wgpa(10th) to a 4.6(11th). Is this a good use of the additional comments section? I’ll post the answer if it helps.

Have you already submitted it or are you looking for assistance? I think it could be shortened to only a few sentences about your parents experiencing unemployment and related stresses. Good luck!

I haven’t submitted. If I do shorten it should I put it under the academic additional comments?

Is this better? I put this in the academic additional comments so it was limited to 550 CHARACTERS and not words

You do not address any of these issues in the personal insight questions?

No I didn’t, I wrote like 8 essays and picked the strongest 4 and none of those topics were brought up

I don’t know If I should write my 450 additional comment or a 550 word response in the additional academic comments

My family came to America from India with the help of my great uncle and aunt. When we found out that they were using us for cheap labor we broke ties with them which left both my parents without jobs and without immigration sponsors. Daily arguments lead my parents to threaten divorce on each other. Since money was tight both my parents would work on building houses to sell all day leaving me alone to care for older brother. I was constantly fearing that we wouldn’t get our citizenship and we would have to go back to India. These complication ruined my young spirit and I didn’t feel like anything mattered anymore. In 2015 both my parents had found stable jobs and our immigration issues mostly diffused. Without the circumstances of before I had a much better time in and out of school. The hardships of my early years helped me mature into the young adult I am today and I prepared my for the challenges of tomorrow.

Here is my new shortened essay

My family came to America from India with the help of my great uncle and aunt. When we found out that they were using us for cheap labor we broke ties with them which left both my parents without jobs and without immigration sponsors. Daily arguments lead my parents to threaten divorce on each other. Since money was tight both my parents would spend all day trying to earn what money they could leaving me alone to care for older brother. I was constantly fearing that we wouldn’t get our citizenship and we would have to go back to India. These complication ruined my young spirit and I didn’t feel like anything mattered anymore. In 2015 both my parents had found stable jobs and our immigration issues mostly diffused. Without the circumstances of before I had a much better time in and out of school. While the complications at home hurt the early years of high school I made sure to finish strong. Given my past I have a great appreciation for education and I hope to take advantage of all the opportunities presented to me.

Here is the final draft
