ADHD and medication

DS is at a school that specializes in ADHD and there is a nurse in the dining hall so that kids can get their meds at breakfast in the morning.


my daughter goes to the health center every morning to take Vyvanse and gets her booster dose every evening before study hall. It is given by the nurse in the morning and the dean on duty at dinner in the evening. As far as accommodations, private schools are under no obligation to follow anything. Each school will have their different processes and what they allow. A 504 is more likely to be followed. IEP’s are not. My daughter does not need academic accommodations or support for her ADHD but if she did, we would be responsible for paying for that extra support at the school she attends. That would include extra time and someone to proctor tests past the class period.

Hotchkiss may be an outlier. Many schools basically follow the college board rules giving kids 1.5x extended time.

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Hotchkiss probably allows extra time, it’s just that this wasn’t an accommodation my son needed.

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I have actually found that the discipline of having to go to the health center to get meds each morning has increased both my boys compliance. DS2 almost never took his meds more than 1-2x week at home but goes every day now. At his school, health center is in same building as dining hall so very convenient. DS1 somewhat resents that the health center at his school is all the way at the edge of campus, but that resulted in his getting a scooter to make the trek easier.

I think at the less rigorous schools that have robust learning centers, faculty will be accommodating about notes. DS1 found that when he approached teachers needing help with notes, they either posted them to the portal or found another way to help.

Another accommodation that can be helpful is being able to use laptop or iPad for note-taking in class. DS1 uses a note-taking app on the iPad that makes a big difference to him.


DS had math teachers who encouraged kids to photograph board so that they could follow along without the distraction of taking notes. Some teachers ended realizing this worked well for everyone and posted the photos to their class portal themselves. Most people know this, but often, accommodations made for LD students often end up benefitting the whole class.


I am not entirely sure if most people know this, but I agree with this 100%.


This was my MSEd thesis topic.