Admission Chances

Hi! Wisco is my dream school and I want to know my chances of getting accepted!
OOS student from small town outside of LA, California
Major: double major in Environmental Science and Environmental Studies (I know I get admitted into the school as a whole but a lot of EC’s are environmentally related)
UW GPA: 3.62
W GPA: 3.78
school doesn’t rank
got more B’s than A’s freshman year 1 C but in AP Human Geo :frowning:
more A’s than B’s sophomore year
and straight A’s junior year
I’ve taken AP Human Geo, IB Chem SL, IB Spanish Sl 1 and 2, and took Pre-IB courses my freshman and sophomore years (this might be unique to my high school, but ultimately I took classes that had the rigor of IB classes, but they weren’t weighted.
Right now in my senior year I am taking AP Statistics, IB Environmental Science, AP Physics 1, and AP Government
ACT: 31
I’ve played JV/varsity soccer all four years, I was captain my sophomore year and got Coach’s Award
I have played Club soccer my entire life, also was a captain
I am Co-President of Heal The Bay Club at my school and I hold meetings and beach cleanups to spread environmental awareness around campus (since soph year)
I have been in National Charity League since 7th grade (a mother/daughter organization where I volunteer at several philanthropies in my community) and complete at least 40 hours a year
I have worked as a youth minister at my church for two years and lead kids through their Catholic Confirmation process (volunteer over 300 hours)
I studied at James Cook University in Australia this past summer and studied Dwarf Minke Whale’s behavior on the Great Barrier Reef (also got my advanced scuba certification)
I worked at a sushi restaurant this past summer
Also did a mission trip in Costa Rica (40 hours) and volunteered as a camp counselor my sophomore year (40 hours)

I think my Why UW essay was solid and I let my love for the school shine through
My CA essay was about how my brother has been a drug addict since I was in fifth grade and how I have struggled finding my path, but how I found a haven within the ocean (I go into detail about how I am dedicating my life to environmental conservation)

Thanks for reading and commenting! On Wisconsin ;)!

I think you have a good shot. Your demonstrated passion for your potential area of study and experience in the field should help to cover the slightly low GPA, and your ACT appears to be spot on. I have almost the same exact stats as you but am in state. Hopefully, we’ll hear back soon. Goodluck!!

I am currently a student at UW Madisom! I love it and you will too! Comparing your stats to mine I do believe you will get in!

For OOS, a 3.6 is a little low, but the 31 helps balance that out. Quite possible that the initial decision is deferral until spring, and then reasonable shot at acceptance. Keep the first semester grades up so you can show strength – as all students who are deferred or who apply in the regular round have to submit their first semester grades.