Admissions Concern

I have lower-end stats (3.34 and 29) and everyone else in my high school that is applying has insanely high GPAs and ACT scores. Does this mean that I essentially have no chance?

Not worries, You’ll find your place.
Wait soon for College recommendations from the experts here.

You would qualify for a $12,500 scholarship at University of Toledo with your stats. There are a ton of schools you can do well at. Figure out what you think you may want to study and post your interests so people can make helpful recommendations.

You have a zero chance if you do not apply. Apply and have other choices. Low chances perhaps but you will never know unless you apply. Many good students from WI who do not get into UW-Madison or U of Minn go to LaCrosse. Be sure to write good essays that show optimism, not pessimism for getting in. If you end up elsewhere you may discover it meets your needs well or you excel and choose to transfer.

Fact of life- not everyone gets into their dream school. Fine to reach but prepare to be happy elsewhere.

For what it’s worth, I know of multiple kids from my daughter’s high school with higher grades but lower ACT’s who were deferred and then accepted late. There is probably not much to do with your grades at this point, but consider trying to increase your ACT scores in the time left. Make sure you have backups that you would like to attend.

I agree with wis75 about La Crosse. It’s an excellent school with a beautiful campus and is cheaper to attend than Madison.