<p>I found this interesting article that explains the process at one school. Since there have been a lot of questions on this recently, I thought it would be helpful. Feel free to find information from other schools and post it here.</p>
<p>The</a> Art of Admission: Painting A Picture of Artistic Recruitment</p>
<p>A very interesting and insightful. Demystifies and clarifies many things. Thanks for sharing!</p>
<p>Interesting article. I wonder if all bs departments carry so much weight in the decision making process. I hope so. </p>
<p>I am applying to 6 schools. My favorite 3 schools are Deerfield, Taft, and Loomis. I am also applying to Exeter, Andover, and St. Paul’s because I want to make sure I apply to enough schools, and I have not yet had a chance to tour nor interview yet. I think after my tours and interviews will be when I really get a good feel on the schools. </p>
<p>Oddly and what I find interesting is that I knocked Choate off my list because of their “limited Visual Arts” offerings in Paint and Draw. Choate was in my final 9 schools before I lowered it down to 6 schools. I am currently in Advanced Paint and Draw. Painting and drawing are my passions and based on Choate’s literature and website the only two classes I have not already taken are Life Drawing and Advanced Studio Arts. I’ve only taken Intro to Studio Arts, Paint and Draw, and Advanced Paint and Draw, not a whole lot of classes, and Choate realistically only has 2 other classes that would allow me to further pursue my passion for painting and drawing. All of the other 6 schools on my list have more classes than Choate in the areas of painting and drawing. I am also very big into athletics, so I am not looking to replace athletics with arts as Choate allows students to do. I seriously considered Concord Academy as well, but I just don’t think the athletics at Concord Academy are on the same level as the other schools. Further, I prefer finding a school where more than half the students are boarders.</p>
<p>I am simply looking for a school where I can do both, and not run out of art classes. I find it interesting that their department heads have so much say in the admissions process. I hope the same occurs at other schools, especially my top 3- Deerfield, Taft, and Loomis.</p>
<p>@bshopeful If it’s not too late, you might want to consider Choate. Our family visited Choate and felt it has strong visual art and music programs.</p>