Admitted to Bama, Applying EA to two others schools - impact?

<p>Our D has applied and has been admitted to Bama, is accepted in Honors College, has been offered the Presidential scholarship (OOS), and is a NMSF, so she may eligible for the NMF scholarship. We even made a housing deposit and have a visit planned by Allison in early November, which may seal the deal for D. However, D is also applying EA to two other schools (U Miami and UVA) just to keep her options open. Questions – Do schools have a way of knowing where kids have been admitted and/or applied? (Will other EA schools know of the Bama admission offer, etc? Will Bama know of other EA applications?) If so, will acceptance at Bama impact decisions at other EA schools? D is our first so we haven’t been through this before. Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>No, schools do not know about other admissions. there is no reporting service or anything like that. You can relax.</p>

<p>EA isn’t binding; ED is. So EA doesn’t have the same restrictions that ED or SCEA does. D2 is applying to 3 schools EA, and she also has already been accepted to UA. Nothing to worry about.</p>


<p>Right, but even if the student were applying ED somewhere, it still would be fine. those applying ED can still apply to schools with rolling admissions (and be accepted) and RD. However, once the ED results are in (admission and FA info), if the student is going to accept the ED school, then he must withdraw from the other schools. </p>

<p>Either way, the schools do not know where you’ve applied or been accepted. That said, schools KNOW that students apply to a number of schools. They aren’t offended by that. Bama is probably not one of their peer schools, so likely if they somehow knew about Bama, they would likely assume that Bama was a match/safety for this student. </p>

<p>However, once you file FAFSA, I think the names of schools that you’ve sent FAFSA are listed. But, since FAFSA is filed after Jan I, that wouldn’t have any impact on Dec EA decisions.</p>

<p>Most of the time, admissions officers don’t sit there trying to figure out which school a kid will pick over another. There is very good reason for this. There is no way to determine and most kids apply to a shipload of schools these days. You’d go nuts trying to decide and if you have a half a brain you know that most of the kids are in that same situation. Schools accept the best kids for them, and then hope they come.</p>

<p>There are small schools that are having a particularly difficult time with all of the phantom apps, and that is where a lot of demonstrated interest comes into play. over 20 years I’ve heard a lot about TUfts syndrome but every year, it’s pretty much the top echelon of kids getting into a list of highly selective schools (Tufts often included as it is a popular choice here). Every once in a while, someone screams foul that a kid was rejected from Tufts, Emory, JHU or other such school but accepted at UPenn and Brown or the such. It happens, but not often enough to a select enough circle to say that the admissions folks are using these ploys systematically. On an occaisional happenchance, it is possible, but no way to prove. That’s what makes for serendipity.</p>

<p>In your case, with the schools you name, I don’t think you have a thing to worry about. Not an iota. Congrats on the Bama package, That’s gonna be hard to beat.</p>

<p>Thanks to all! We knew that you all would have the answers. </p>

<p>Agree that the Bama package will be hard to beat. She realizes that and is proud and thankful for what has been offered to her. She is so low stress right now compared with her friends (and their parents), and she is enjoying senior year so much more than last year. She has to fend off some snide, uneducated comments about Bama from her peers, but she’s handling that with grace. </p>

<p>But U Miami (academics and the allure of S. Fla weather and beaches) and UVA (academics, one of the plum VA schools, and the one that ALL kids at her HS try for) are of some interest to her. We weren’t sure if such an early admission/acceptance at Bama would somehow pop up on the radar screen of other schools.</p>

<p>We too live in NOVA- home of college snobs. I was tired of the snide comments from one neighbor whose three kids went to JMU so went into Naviance out of curiosity. Did you know that Alabama is more selective (in terms of % of applicants accepted) than ANY of the VA publics except UVA and W&M? The other thing that is amazing is the percentage of kids who are accepted at UA and choose to attend is 4 TIMES the yield of UVA and W&M.</p>

<p>My son spent the night Saturday in the dorm with one of the TJ kids from the class of 2012 and he is extremely happy and challenged at UA as are his friends. </p>

<p>Roll Tide, Roll!!</p>

<p>tjmom – SOOO agree with you! My D is at TJ now. I think TJ had 8 kids go to Bama last year. Nice that your son had a Bama visit and stayed with a TJ kid. D knows some of the 8, but I think they are all guys. We may look them up to chat when we visit on November 5-6.</p>

<p>“Hypocrisy is the essence of snobbery, but all snobbery is about the problem of belonging.”</p>

<pre><code> -Alexander Theroux

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Hey Malanai- I mentioned you to Dean Sharpe as being the wonderful source of information that you are - even without knowing your name, he was pretty sure he knows who you are and said wonderful things about your son.</p>

<p>Really? Mahalo nui loa!</p>

<p>this is slightly off-thread, but if your daughter has already been accepted and awarded scholarship money, does that mean they make their scholarship decisions based on transcripts at the time of
application? I ask because my son now has a 3.52, just over the critical 3.5 for scholarships, and sufficient SATs for full tuition. However, if his first term grades are less than 3.5 it will likely bring him below a 3.5 overall, and out of any scholarships. So, does anyone know if they ask for updated transcripts during senior year, or will they base decisions on end of junior year grades if that is what is submitted with the application?</p>

<p>Alabama’s scholarship packages are based on GPA at the end of the junior year- so congrats and Roll Tide.</p>

<p>But remember, those scholarships do require him to apply and be admitted prior to December 1 (or maybe it is just apply, I would have to look)- but don’t let him delay it.</p>

<p>Alabama’s application for admission takes less than 30 minutes to complete, mainly because there are no essays required for admission or scholarships and the application mainly asks for name, address, SSN, and other basic info. While not recommended, there have been reports of parents filling out the application for their students and having the student press the submit button.</p>