Advanced Placement At Your School: A Survey

<p>Hey CC -</p>

<p>Back in December I was accepted to a top institution, and looking at their offered AP credits, I noticed that some AP classes were flat out denied from any college (something I presume is quite popular among higher level institutions). However, at my school we have a policy that AP credit is weighted as a 1.2x (so 4.0-> 4.8) ONLY if you sign up to take the AP test. This was somewhat of a digression as I know high school GPA to me really has no effect, but this sort of practice in essence encourages many students at our school to spend the money, do nothing on the tests, and basically pay for a grade. </p>

<p>That basically sums up my school, and my personal opinions on how my school operates AP. I know a lot of CC users go to school with many different types of AP weighing systems, and I was curious if people would share their own school's policy as well as thoughts about the grading system in relation to AP? </p>

<p>(I know this isn't an actual poll thread, and the reason for that is I want people to actually post something and give further insight).</p>


<p>we get a small weight (usually 10 points) for honors/AP courses and we MUST take the test…argh.</p>

<p>For people with schools that force them to take the test: I know people who have trouble affording the SATs/ACTs, and APs are considerably more expensive. How does your school deal with that, especially with some students taking upwards to 5-6 per year?</p>

<p>We’re required to take the test. We’re on a 4.0 scale with AP classes counting as 5.0. I think it’s very fair, although I wish we weren’t required to take the test (and we have to pay by Halloween ><). Well no one at my school takes 5-6 APs a year (except me). Last year APs were like 83 bucks at my school. This year they were 25.</p>

<p>My school requires all taking the class to take the test. However, they also waive the fee. It’s all good.</p>

<p>They’re also based on a 6.00 scale, I believe. Craziness. Though, gym and a few other un-weighted classes are required every year, making the highest possible wieghted gpa a 4.50.</p>

<p>You have to take the test and its weighted as a 6 instead of 4. honors re weighted as a 5</p>

<p>AP and honors classes are weighted equally, but you get a mere 0.025 added for each class (which really isn’t that bad, but doesn’t seem like much compared to some of you guys’ crazy 6.0 scales). The test is optional. But honestly, I don’t see the point in taking the AP class if you’re not interested in taking the Exam. An A or B in an AP class doesn’t really look like much without a good score next to it.</p>

<p>The test is optional, and you get two extra quality points regardless.</p>

<p>My school doesn’t weigh GPA, but for each semester you have 4 or more APs, high level languages (level 5 and up I think), or high level math classes, they add .5 to your cumulative (100 point scale) average. This prevents people from taking a class just for the weighed grade because first of all, you have to have 4 of these classes. Secondly, a bad grade effects your cumulative average more than a +.5 does.</p>

<p>Regular - 4.0
Honors - 4.5
AP/IB - 6.0
Must take AP/IB exam to get weight, otherwise it drops to honors</p>

<p>At my school, all GPAs are by percent, so AP courses, have a certain percent of your grade added to them for weighting when GPA is being calculated. Honors too, but to a lesser extent.</p>

<p>You do not have to take the AP test at my school to take the class, and different teachers place more or less emphasis on the AP test. In my Environmental Sci class, our teacher said that we should only take the AP test if we were really going use the credits and prepare well, and not waste our money of we weren’t. Maybe a 3rd of the class isn’t taking the AP test. I have discovered however, that the course taught me so well that I’m probably not going to have to study very much.</p>

<p>My schools is on a weird 5.0 scale so a hundred in a normal class is a 5.0. A hundred in a college dual credit class is a 5.5 and a hundred in an ap or pre-ap class is a 6.0. It acyually looks like this:</p>

<p>Grade Point AP/PAP College Dual Regular<br>
6.0 100
5.9 99
5.8 98
5.7 97<br>
5.6 96<br>
5.5 95 100
5.4 94 99
5.3 93 98
5.2 92 97
5.1 91 96
5.0 90 95 100
4.9 89 94 99
4.8 88 93 98
4.7 87 92 97
4.6 86 91 96
4.5 85 90 95
4.4 84 89 94
4.3 83 88 93
4.2 82 87 92
4.1 81 86 91
4.0 80 85 90
3.9 79 84 89
3.8 78 83 88
3.7 77 82 87
3.6 76 81 86
3.5 75 80 85
3.4 74 79 84
3.3 73 78 83
3.2 72 77 82
3.1 71 76 81
3.0 70 75 80
2.9 <70 no points 74 79
2.8 73 78
2.7 72 77
2.6 71 76
2.5 70 75
2.4 <70 no points 74
2.3 73
2.2 72
2.1 71
2.0 70
<70 no points</p>

<p>AP: 5.0
Pre-AP: 5.0
‘Dual Credit’: 4.5
Regular: 4.0</p>

<p>At my school, if you’re in the AP class, you have to take the AP test. I guess if you can’t afford it you get a reduced price?</p>

<p>As for weighted GPA, if you are a senior or junior (like me):
AP is out of 6.0
AA/Honors is out of 6.0
Regular is out of 4.0
Somehow, valedictorians always have a 6.0, even though there are required classes that are regular (2 semesters of gym, time to speak, and health). </p>

<p>For people in the class of 2011 or higher, it’s like this:
AP is out of 6.0
AA/Honors is out of 5.0
Regular is out of 4.0</p>

<p>My school has AP classes on a 5.0 scale, honors on a 4.5 scale, normal classes on a 4.0 scale. As far as I know, you’re not required to take the AP test if you’re in an AP class. If you don’t take the AP test, or if you have under an 80% for the semester, you have to take the final exam. We also have an honors class (Physics) with an optional AP test (Physics C Mechanics).</p>

<p>We don’t have APs or Honors.</p>

<p>regular: 4.0
honours: 4.0
ap: 4.0</p>

<p>our school doesnt weight T.T</p>