<p>Hello all,
I am a sophomore in electrical engineering and I have completed all of my basic classes for engineering, however, this past semester I took my first electrical engineering class and I was overwhelmed at the amount of programming. I've never programmed before and I was never interested in a career in programming and I want to do an engineering that is least dependent on programming. The reason I chose electrical engineering was because I thought we would be learning about making electricity and green energy. That is my passion; I want to work to make homes and transportation and products better for the environment and more efficient. I want to find a major that will give me the skills to do that and at the same time a major that I am actually interested in. </p>
<p>My dilemma is that I want to invent new products and I like hands on engineering where I get to be creative and I don't want to be doing the same thing for the rest of my life, I want to be innovative in my career. So now I am just trying to find the type of engineering that will best allow me to do that; I am looking at chemical, environmental, or civil. But I am open to any other suggestions.</p>
<p>Thank you</p>