Advice on changing my major/ double major

I’m currently a freshman at Purdue and I applied as a global studies major. After (almost) completing my first year in the global studies program I’ve realized that I don’t like it as much as I thought I did and I want to change my major. I’ve always really loved history and I’m pretty sure that’s what I want to change my major to. My issue is that I want to double major and I’m not really sure what to do. I’m interested in political science, anthropology, and psychology (side note: graduating on time isn’t an issue for me because I started with enough credits to double major in any of these and graduate in 4 years). Psychology is probably my top choice out of the three, but I don’t really see a connection between history and psychology and don’t want to get both degrees and only use one in whatever job I eventually end up with. Also, even though I love history, I know it’s typically considered a useless degree and I’m worried I won’t be able to make enough money to have a good life in the future. Does anyone have any advice on what I should do? Or, do any Purdue students who have had experience in these departments have any recommendations?

Can you shadow a clinical psychologist do learn more? Would you possibly want to attend law school?
History is a good preparation for the reading and writing you would do in law school. What about a business career?
You may want to go to the career office and explore careers and that may point to a new major for you.

You will learn to read and write well as a history major and that can lead to jobs in marketing, communications, law, or business.

To confuse you further, Purdue has a strong business program, if you have interest in finance, marketing or accounting, you could double major in history and business.