Advice on Grades

Hello, I got a c+ in one of my classes freshmen year but have been solid ever since. Do you think this will bar me from elite schools?

Nothing like that will be likely to operate as a “bar” on its own. At most it will be just one data point in a sea of data, and there is no way of knowing how a given college will actually be processing your entire application and what that one data point will mean in that process. But we know many successful applicants have had one thing or another they wish was better, so we know perfection is not required.

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Define elite and no.

Your entire portfolio, including budget and ability to pay, will matter. Budget may at many not matter for acceptance but your ability to attend.

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At some “elite” schools like CMU, UCLA and Berkeley, freshman grades are not considered.
Regardless, a single C+ is unlikely to sink you, but it needs to be looked at in the context of the rest of your academic profile.

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