Hello everyone,
I am currently a senior at Montclair Highschool near CPP and I’m stressing out over my grades and SAT score because I chose to major in Aerospace Engineering. I am a total nerd when it comes to Aircraft and machines. However, I am afraid my scores will prevent me from reaching my dream. If you have anything to say, please don’t hesitate to state your opinions. I can take criticisms so please be realistic about my chances.
I heard that Aerospace Engineering is probably on the harder side of getting admitted so if you are currently in Aerospace Engineering Dept. please let me hear your valuable insight
my stats are the following:
SAT: 1390 (660 English, 730 Math),
3.8 Weighted GPA (3.9 on CSU apply) all honor/AP max rigor
Eligibility Index: 4430
and I assume CPP don’t look at Extracircullars
Anything helps, and all responses are appreciated, thank you
I would say you are competitive for CPP and Aerospace Engineering. Since you are in the local service area, you get priority. Best of luck and hopefully you have more schools on your list besides CPP.
Thank you so much for replying! Would you please tell me more about this Local Preference Area? I want to know how much of a advantage would it be for local students. It would be greatly appreciated, Thank you in advance 
Since you have applied for an impacted major, you are not guaranteed a spot. All CSU’s (exception SLO) admit by eligibility index and major and ranked based on this. Being in the local service area will give you priority so if it comes down to comparing 2 applicants with the same EI/Major, the local applicant gets a bump.
The overall CSU GPA for CPP last year was 3.83 and SAT of 1225, so the average EI for an admit was 4289. Your EI is above the average so you are in a good place for a chance at an acceptance.
Did you select an alternate major just in case, since CPP does consider alternate majors if you are not admitted into your 1st choice major?