African-American High School Class of 2016

Her roomate is Hatian, a twin…both girls are at Yale. She told me about the HORRIBLE things they went through when they were accepted. They were attending an elite prep school pre-K to 12. These classmates were their “friends” for all of their lives. The roommate had tears in her eyes as she told me tbr story.

They will hate you. Remember, you belong. Just as much as the next person. They hate just for the sake of hating. Look at the huge # of supporters that Trump has. It just shows us all how much hate still exists.

Don’t let that stop you! That’s what they want. Show those self entitled idiots that they don’t scare you!

@NewHavenCTmom provided excellent advice. Many black students are slammed with the ‘your’e lucky you’re black’ statement at acceptance time. Hold your head up and remember your worth!
Another thing to be prepared for is this: my daughter turned down an ivy and top liberal arts colleges for Howard. Some criticized that choice. She has loved HU (90% of the time!). She has a full ride and no money worries, has been given amazing overseas travel in the summers, shadowing and interning in D.C. and friends from all over the world. She never has anyone question her worthiness for her scholarship, great honors program events and peerless and has friendships and dating with young African American men (the dating was tough until now as not only were there few, but most dated non black females).
My older went to an ivy (not the one she got in) and has a different but valuable experience there as well. They support and encourage one another as well as their siblings to follow.
There is not one right path. Choose where you want to go. Be proud of yourself…and enjoy!!
It is a joy to see these threads. Makes me proud of you all!

Where has this thread been all of my life… Wow! Congrats to everyone with their acceptances. I was accepted to BU, Northeastern, Brandeis, Tufts, and a few others, but the ones I mentioned are the ones I’m really choosing between? Tufts was what I thought a reach for me (I guess not since I got in). I’m going to major in bio on the pre-med track? Any advice or comments on each school?

This thread officially died soon after Ivy Day. I must say I am rather proud of the black excellence here. To greater success in college and grad/med/what have you school!

Well I’d thought I’d update everyone and say that I’ve decided to attend Johns Hopkins next year! It was definitely a hard decision to make but I’m really excited!

Can’t decide whether or not I want to attend Syracuse, Elon, Gettysburg College, or FSU

Officially attending Barnard College :slight_smile:

Committed to Harvard yesterday! :slight_smile:

Enrollment fee has been paid to Vanderbilt!

LOL Not going to Emory, Oxford, or Johns Hopkins because it’s too expensive but I will be attending UF! :slight_smile:

@BlackHuntress Great choice!! :slight_smile:

Oh and @Chopinspiano I totally didn’t see where you were going until now So congratulations also! that sounds amazing!

Will be attending Skidmore College for Fall 2016,with little to no debt.

Committed to Cornell University!

Committed to Yale University!


Full Pay? Yikes for your parents!

@nw2this No, at Bulldog Days we negotiated the price lower.

@ReturningFavor and @NewHavenCTmom Thank you so much for your comments they were really inspiring and motivational. I was sad that I couldn’t attend Emory despite being a scholar since the FA was not enough. But where one door closes, another opened. I committed to UF back in May, already had cried because I LOVED EMORY so much. But I went to orientation just the other day and LOVED UF. I realized the path we choose does not need to be so different from what we desire and that opportunity comes in all forms. I’ve received scholarships, including the being a JRF Scholar, despite having been denied so many other scholarships in these last few months and now have pretty much full cost to Univ. covered. I’m extremely blessed and thankful right now, but your comment is so true about the fact that people will believe you just got in because you were black or just received something because you were a minority. But I want there to be a world where we can truly ignore the color and focus on the intrinsic worth…because we’ve all put our 110% effort into everything we did to get here. And nothing changes that. :slight_smile: Congrats to all! Go into University with 2020 vision :wink:

Oh yeah, never actually put in this thread that I was going to Howard University for BS/MD.

But yeah! Technically part of the Class of 2018!