"Africans" doing better than "blacks" in college

<p>Well I mean you can’t blame them. The Africans are immigrants, and they were fed from the TV in their home country on what it is to be “Black in America”</p>

<p>Its sad but it is true, and its the same for us, most Black people think Africans are in villiages with flies all around them with anorexic bodies. </p>

<p>Its what the media has fed them. They don’t know why the blacks act they way they act until they have to live with them.</p>

<p>I totally agree with whoever said this is more of an “immigrant vs. native-born” problem than an “african vs american black” issue.</p>

<p>One of the main reasons as to why Africans tend to dominate higher education (in terms of the black population at least) is the socio-economic status of these immigrants who come to America. Unlike “lower class” (ex: poor Mexican farmers) and refugee immigrants (ex: Cambodian peasants), Asians and Africans (ex: Indians, Nigerians) that come to America are usually the well-educated people of their home country. </p>

<p>Let me explain…
After the 1965 immigration laws were passed that finally let Asians and Africans come into the US (pre-1965, there were strict bans on immigration–mainly based on eugenics), the United States established TWO ways of immigrating into the country. It was either by means of family reunification or immigrants who had badly needed occupational skills and qualifications. Since not many Asian and African immigrants had family in the US (obviously due to the fact that there was a ban on immigrants from these regions), their only basis of coming into the United States was through formal credentials. Also, you can tell that these immigrants are of a “higher” socio-economic class relative to the rest of their homeland because of their methods of getting to the US. The distance of countries like India and Nigeria show that in order to even GET to America, you need to be able to afford an airplane ticket. To have the ability to pay for a flight to America shows that you are not dealing with ridiculously poor people. It is not like you can hop the border from Nigeria into the US or take a small fishing boat from India to America. These immigrants are doctors, lawyers, nurses, engineers, architects, small entrepreneurs, prospective students etc. in their respective countries. In more recent times of course, immigrants are coming over from all socio-economic backgrounds (due to lotteries and the US not being complete a-holes about who to let into the country).</p>

<p>So clearly, these African immigrants have a high propensity to support education. The parents of these students strongly value education and teach (or force lol) this value onto their children.</p>



<p>True. Any home in which education is highly valued, be it Caucasian, Asian, African American, Hispanic or African, will generally produce children who take their educations seriously, but only if the parents are vigilant in restricting their children’s primary social influences to people who also hold dear the values of intelligence and education. Immigrants to this country, who must use considerable resources in getting here (meaning, not just sneaking across the border from Mexico) are self selected for this sort of success. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that they are more prone to academic excellence than the general population.</p>

<p>As a Kenyan-American, i faced more prejudice from blacks than from whites in america. I didnt understand their culture, and they didn’t understand mine. I got very angry when some blacks would ask ignorant things about Africa. However, as years went by, i have fallen in love with black American history. I like to read books about the black experience from slavery etc. Though now a senior in high school, there are somethings i still dont understand about blacks in America. But im used to them. Many of my friends are “African Americans”, we joke about my culture, and i joke about theirs. We may have the same skin color, but we have different cultures. Do not say you hate Africans. We just cant “click” with African Americans so quickly. It takes time, and it requires open-mindedness from both parties.</p>