After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

from foru:
Thank you for the detailed info! Yes, we hope to be able change it asap and then apply to engineering honors.

Is ETAM for freshman only, but TAP can be used for both freshman and sophomore?
Etam is “entrance to a (engineering) major”. All entering engineers are general engineering. After they take (in general) 2 science, 2 math, and 2 engineering classes, they can apply to their desired engineering major. This must be done by the end of sophomore year, but is typically done at end of freshman year. TAP is a way for any tamu student to change major. This is NOT guaranteed, and one has to look closely at max credits, gpa, courses reqd, etc.

That’s one of majors my student was thinking about and would want to try one of those classes. What if classes are not available, would that matter for ETAM process later?
He/she cant take ENGR 101 or 117 until IN general engineering or has used the TAP process to get into engineering. MUCH, MUCH better to change major to engineering now, then take the typical freshman engineering classes, get 3.75 or better, which results in guaranteed entry to CS. Based on ETAM statistics, CS is the most popular engineering major so only those that meet the 3.75 gpa get in. BTW, 3.75 freshman year is very doable if one is only taking 12-13 credits per semester and a decent background in programming/calc/physics/chem


Thanks for taking time to explaining the processes and offering insight and suggestions about CS. I really appreciate it!

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You are welcome! And please let us know if it was possible for your student to change their major to engineering. Inquiring minds want to know lol


@ForU i hate to be Debbie Downer, but it could be pretty difficult at this point to just switch majors from Ag to Engineering. Engineering to Ag would be doable, but definitely not the other way around. What are the stats of your student -rank, gpa, test scores? IF your student would’ve qualified for AutoAdmit to TAMU, it might be possible. But if your student is Holistic, might be tough…as there are so many that applied in August, still waiting on a decision.
CompSci is very competitive & popular. But like others have mentioned, everyone enters as General Engineering.
Definitely have your student try and keep us posted!


You just need to talk to Admission directly if you can change to Engineering, I will pick any easier engineering major as ETAM process is the actual one that you pick by Feb in freshmen year. The Freshmen fall semester will be a good gauge on the GPA what major you can pick.

If I recall you are OOS with top 10% and high test scores so you should be ok.

When you talk to admission remember to drop down the person’s name. Cause engineering review may take a week or two in case something is lost in between the waiting.


Yes, I’ve been following both the Brown Foundation & TAMU Scholarship websites. It’s pretty nebulous. My child says the ApplyTexas did not have an option for LORs. The AO from TAMU said my child “can” upload the LORs on the portal. My child signed the FERPA waiving rights to “see” the LOR. Therefore, it would have been unethical to request the LORs from teachers & personally upload to TAMU portal.

I’m now assuming since my child has not heard anything - then it’s a no.

Thank you for the suggestions!

@pinkmomma have you joined Aggie Parents FB page? There are usually posts about Brown statuses (tho I haven’t seen any this year, so you could start one).
Only accepted Aggie parents are allowed to join, so they would be legit people answering (and current Brown parents could weigh in on the process)

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Thank you! I’ll check out to see if anyone has started a thread on that.

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AIS do have a button for LOR. If LOR comes from school teachers, students can request teachers to send LORs to school counselor, then in AIS, student can request counselor to upload LORs.

For Brown engineering honor it has a different portal to upload LOR of course that’s for engineering students only.


I just saw someone posted on FB that her son has been accepted to Brown Scholarship on 12/20.

Accepted or invited to interview?


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What about President’s endowed? Anyone heard anything? I’m just curious when, if so, A&M announces scholarships.

It is on Aggie Students of Engineering page. He is a NMSF and got PES as well.

Ask your student to check the Howdy account. If your student is. NMSF, PES should list on the financial page.

I too found the letter of recommendation process confusing. We looked all over AIS and the only way I saw to upload letters was with the supplemental documentation tab and it didn’t have a way to send a link to a teacher or counselor so my daughter just asked for the letters and uploaded them as documents. :woman_shrugging:

Is there some way for guidance counselors to upload on the their end that we can’t see on ours?

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Thanks. I’ll have my son check. He hasn’t heard anything from A&M except that he got accepted. He hasn’t even heard if he got into the honors program, and he filled every thing out in September. I called financial aid, and they told me scholarships were awarded in January, but I’m not sure that’s true.

My son is NMSF, has been awarded PES in November and is accepted to EH last week. We are OOS.

Thanks for the info. I am starting to think A&M is not going to give him anything. We are Texans. My son barely missed the cut off for semifinalists, so he is commended. However, he is valedictorian, AP scholar etc., etc. On paper he’s very impressive, and other universities are throwing money at him left and right. But it would be a shame if A&M did not give him anything, because it is his first choice and he’s legacy. We qualify for zero financial aid, so we can’t apply for those scholarships. I strongly suspect he is going to consider other schools if A&M gives him nothing in the end.