After Admitted to TAMU Class of 2026... Whoop!

Oh ok, good to know. Thanks😊

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I tried to join but never received acceptance. My son hasn’t committed yet so maybe that’s why.

Not sure? :woman_shrugging:t2: I’m not on that page. Normally it just requires acceptance to A&M (and to the specific major
meaning they won’t accept you if your student is trying to transfer in).
Did you answer all the required questions? I know most pages won’t accept anyone if they haven’t answered all the questions.
Admins have no way of knowing it a student has committed or not. Try again, and be sure to answer every question.

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My daughter completed the Phase 2 - Roommate Selection Opt-In today. Does this give her an opportunity to look at other profiles to see if anyone looks like a good match? She’s confused about how this process works as am I.

Her closest friends have chosen other’s schools, so she’s really hoping to find a new great friend to room with. She’s hoping for a Northside Modular. She is a review admit from a small private Christian school and was accepted into General Engineering.

Daughter got Engineering Honors acceptance today! :+1:t2:


@Kimvogel, looking at others’ profiles is Phase 3 (Roommate Selection) in mid-Spring. Check out the videos describing the various housing phases on the ResLife Application page here.


@NDTA96 - thanks for clarifying. Just seems odd they wait that long to be able to match up with potential roommates. Her Tech friend declined her offer to Mays last week and has already connected with other roommates in Tech’s Business Honors which I thought was extremely quick. Guess we’ll be waiting for Phase 3.

@Kimvogel there should be a Class of ‘26 Instagram page for students, so they can connect. Lots of parents will post on FB, that their student is looking for a roomie, friend-of-a-friend kinda thing. Phase 3 is when students can view profiles, but nothing stopping people from networking and trying to find their own roomie.
My Aggie found her freshman roomie from a Business Honors GroupMe
neither wanted to room with school/hometown friends, but didn’t want to risk total potluck. It worked out great, and they’re still the best of friends!
Northside Modulars and Hullabaloo usually fill up fastest, as in, the first 2-3 days.

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My student was admitted to College of AG & Life but was thinking to change to some major in Engineering. I understand in AIS, there is a button where you can request to change your major now.

Per the forum, once freshman applicants are admitted to engineering, their original majors are changed to general engineering. Can we just request to change to a non-CS engineering major now e.g., because the ETAM application process will place students in their highest ranked major out of 3-5 majors in the application later?

If the first-choice major in ETAM application is CS, were students required to take some CS courses in freshman to demonstrate academic performance, or as long as they have high cumulative GPA?

What if the major placed is not what students wanted, can they go through the ETAM application again in Sophomore year to request to change their major? If yes, is it easy to do then? Thank you,

@ForU you can’t do change of major button to Engineering. Your student can try to do an internal change of major, once they’re already a student
but that won’t be an easy process.
@ChristiR93 can shed light on this more in depth.

Ooh yeah. You cannot change into engineering pre freshman year! You can call admissions and ask their advice but unless you are top 10% you risk going into review like all engineering students and not getting an offer.

Has he thought about minoring in engineering? May be a good option!

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@52AG82 and @ChristiR93 Thank you for the advice! I will check with admissions and see how that might work. Minoring option could be a good one too.

Also, assuming internal change of major can work during freshman year, can students do that in sophomore year in case they find other interests again?

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Into engineering
 not sure. Check out the requirements. Google change of major tamu. It’ll
List all majors.


Thank you!

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Has Brown Foundation already sent out request of additional information to students being considered? If so, when was that? I guess not hearing by now means not in the running.

@pinkmomma have you been checking the Brown website? I saw several mention (maybe on FB, I can’t remember where?) that the website had recently been updated. That will be your best source for Brown updates, timeline.

Some were contacted the week prior to Thanksgiving, mainly for two letters of recommendation, according to prior comments on this forum and offline discussions. Timeline on their TAMU page says they send packets to Brown Foundation after 12/15. Along with updated websites, it seems they have restructured their selection process some.


What Elsiesmom said :slight_smile: I know 3 NMSF who haven’t been contacted other than asking for letters of recommendation if they weren’t already in application at TAMU. That happened the week before Thanksgiving, and there hasn’t been anything since.

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To see the minimum requirements for changing major once at Tamu, google “tamu tap”. Here are the requirements for changing into each of the different engineering majors

As you can see, each engineering major has different requirements. Once a student is officially transferred into into a particular engineering major, they dont have to go through ETAM but then get to take engr101 and engr217. It may become a five year degree, IMHO.

If I were you, definitely contact admissions and request to change major now, before NSC and class registration. If your student has decent HS math/science classes and test scores (ie engineering ready), the engineering review shouldn’t be an issue. Then your student will be like all the other freshman general engineers taking Engr101, calc, chem, phys, etc their first year to ETAM in the spring. If they have a 3.75 or higher, they are guaranteed their first choice major, but not having 3.75 doesn’t mean a student cant get their first choice major if the major is not a super popular one.

Yes, definitely try to get the major changed now, instead of waiting, IMHO

ETA For ETAM, the student gets to decide their choices. Hope this helps
Also, engr101 and 117 are programming classes. Does your student want to eventually be CS?


Thank you for the detailed info! Yes, we hope to be able change it asap and then apply to engineering honors.

Is ETAM for freshman only, but TAP can be used for both freshman and sophomore?

I think that’s one of majors my student was thinking about and would want to try one of those classes. What if classes are not available, would that matter for ETAM process later?

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